No clue and that is fine

As mentioned in a previous post I have been fiddling with the idea for a game to make. Obviously with no game-making experience or whatnot I might have choice paralysis.

In that post, I mentioned more generative things ideally driven by the blockchain's blocks. Really though I think that hardly matters and using transactions as input is more than likely a bad point of failure.

For generative things, sure it is novel enough.

However I do think I want a game or something "todo", so user interaction will be required, even more, of a reason to not have generation be based on the chain aside from it possibly being a reliable random seeder. That is neither here nor there though.

Simplest Mechanics

In the meantime I have mainly just kept in mind, that I do want the mechanics to be simple. Simple mechanics that hopefully with iteration develop into complex systems.

So I basically had thought of firstly using hexagon are the bestagons for the plane in isometric... Ok not really a thought is it, more a that is the type of thing I am using for the damn floor.

Anyway. I had the thought of just using up and down planes to provide a challenge. Basically roughly speaking, very roughly since I basically stopped there. Somehow, it should be a case of just getting to the end point in the best time to start. The next space will either shift up or it will shift down.

Really that is where I stopped. Kinda.

As you see in the images I have arrows there. Obviously that is uppy and downy. To make up and down have any sense of danger I figure plop it in the sky. I know I would shit myself.

As I was drawing the picture to get a sense of what I see in my head I thought well maybe the arrows can already be there and you could choose which one to use. Up would boost you a certain amount of blocks, possibly towards danger and down would move under them towards I don't know.

Maybe up boosts you further along but always towards danger or an obstacle but possible drop item. Where under is to the same place but disables the danger.

Items could be speed boosts and total score could be based on time and maybe "gold" average.

Anyway who knows. I will let it simmer more.

Then I wondered well I really don't care for time things and platformer games, that have always pissed me off.

I do like a sort of puzzle, exploration, defense game and possibly sandbox.

So what would I like to play... It really is a hard question even though I don't like some styles, does not mean they all suck.

Still, the main guideline is simple mechanics, I guess.

Creatures, Pokemon, Levels, Crafting...

That does not sound simple at all. Although.

For creatures as is depicted here. I can just start with one set. The real complexity would come from abilities and counters. These can grow. The dark one is like a infestation, the purple hair rocker I call a fluffy rock...

They make more fluffy rocks, each with their own ability, and each time they do the baby has a chance to obtain both abilities from the parents.

As for enemies, I think the simplest is just the stronger you get they get. They make counters.

Then we invade and turn the board in our favour.

I think that can be a start, maybe some move based mechanics for a push and pull of territory.

However like I said I will let this still simmer and nothing is set in stone, if I wake up and have a new picture in my head you betcha that is what I am exploring.

But I should try to just start, just not yet. It is still fun. At least I have settled to use Godot regardless so I know I saved myself months of deciding on a game engine.

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