Nah not gone

Yeah, I ain't gone I am just not here.

Sometimes I am then I scroll, I don't read. Other times I am not and for the past two weeks, it has felt like I am not anywhere in particular. Now there is a little secret to that but I will shhhh.

I don't mind the waves, sure a person gets a bit anxious and thinks hey I need to get back and do this and this, and this. You really do not.

Anyway, this won't take long because I do have shit to do. Amongst other things like just living.

I think the crypto is fun and these sites are nifty but shit is going down and a person can't be putting all your eggs in one basket. Now having 12 baskets is not ideal may be hatching a few chicks is a good option also.

I have spent two week now kinda wrapping things up and just focusing a bit but a person does notice that when you focus on real life, these others things are very close to out of sight out of mind. The odd thing is if you can find that balance then these things are definitely a benefit but without it either real-life suffers or online and "financial freedom" to be gained from what we seem to be doing online.

So yeah I guess this is dipping my toe, and even though I am enjoying some nice sun on the side now. I will cannonball into the pool before long.

Also, this is more for me than you. So if you read this, then wtf is wrong with you? :)

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