24 Hours More

One day when I am grown up I will work at a place where I get set holidays and I will be super productive every second at work...

The reality is if you work at a place that is not a corp you probably do not get holidays often, whether that is "sick" or actual paid leave.

I am just guessing because I have never had a job like that so it has to be true. Right.

This means many like me, live for those public holidays. Their origin is long forgotten by all except the neediest and pathetic of the species.

In my country at least. We have nonsense like remember the dead or remember the to be dead. I forget the official names.

All I care about is having those extra 24 hours, and the cherry on top is if that follows a Sunday. Yes I am spoilt I have Sundays off.

I always plan to get sooo, much done on those days but sadly my track record shows that I am pretty useless with my extra 24 hours.

So more as a reminder to myself, because those do work. I will be spending this next public holiday getting shit done.


Just as I got lots done in Hiveland this week. I have a stable dCity economy now after returning to a city which was making -11sim

dcity dashboard hive

I probably should not have burned about 50 workers when re-entering the game but all is well now I am making mega bucks at 4 Sim a day.

I am pretty chill inside RisingStar and just kinda playing to level up with purchasing the odd pack here or there. It is a bit irritating to have to withdraw first but all in all a good passive play with possible income once I care to figure out more features.

On the todo would be that Crop game, Weed game, Beer game but I am playing the ones I am for now since my time is not exactly infinite.

Hence the extra 24 Hours.

@Dreemport development

Now I don't tend to talk about good things, because really what is good? I have had a bit of a dip in progress from the initial test launch of Dreemport, and if I say a bit.... wooza, be nice.

Anyway, the 24 Hours on Monday give me more hours to just keep at it. A lot of small pieces are coming together from ranking system, to level rewards and NFT integration.

Will it be done then? Probably not but you better believe I will be making a dent. Why else would I write this reminder.

Anyway if you suffered to the end of this, then I am going to assume you would do ok on Dreemport. So comment gimme a swig of dreem and I will send you some tokens to HODL :)

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