My stress relief secret: Feet Therapy

Going by our day-to-day lives, stress is inevitable, and working hard to make a living and live a sustainable lifestyle, we can't possibly avoid stress; it is part of what makes us human. It's nice to be back again this week for a wonderful topic like this.

Whether you are an employer, an employee, or self-employed, no matter what you do, even if you don't get out of the house, there is some domestic stress you will go through that will make you so stressed out no matter how you try to avoid it. I'm a busy person, and from morning until evening, I don't have up to an hour to rest unless I get home to rest up at night in preparation for the next day. Most of the time, I'm always so stressed that I need to take painkillers to have a sound sleep.

One faithful evening, immediately after I got back from work, I felt a sharp pain on the right side of my head, and I decided to try something my younger sister told me a long time ago. I tried my regular therapy of painkillers, but it didn't work this time around. Then she boiled warm water and asked me to put my legs in the water for a few minutes.

Image credit is mine

After 5 minutes, she cleaned my feet with a dried towel, applied olive oil to them, and then started massaging them gently. She rubbed it well and through my toes, twisting my ankles and setting the bones straight. She did this for both legs, and after my foot therapy, I went straight to bed, hoping to wake up early as usual, but this wasn't the case. I slept so well, forgetting I had to go to work the next day. It was so relaxing, and it sure helped me relieve stress. The headache was gone, and I was a bit late to work because I woke up late.

Image credit is mine

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