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Back To The Future (Ecency Support Contest)

@ecency-star released a prompt on Saturday, asking us to write a post about our favourite movie. Here's A Link To The Prompt.


❗Read the rules very CAREFULLY!

  • Create the post in the Ecency Support Community
  • The post should be at least 100 words length
  • Share the link to that post in your entry
  • Use the hashtags #ecencycontest, #ecency #engage
  • Comment on this post with the link to your entry
  • Only 1 entry per person
  • No plagiarism!

❗❗❗ DEADLINE: May 12 ❗❗❗


Back To The Future

A few days ago a local cinema decided to show some old films, in one week, the were showing, Shrek, Pulp Fiction, Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring, and Back To The Future.

I would have gladly gone to see any, or even all of those movies, as I do like each of them and have seen them a few times each, but the chance to see Back To The Future on the big screen was too good to miss, and since we were only choosing one, we picked that.

History Repeats Itself
One of the greatest things about this trilogy is the idea of history repeating itself, and how each era the films are set in see's the McFly's as being push-overs, who are typically bullied by the Tannen family.

In the first film, Marty McFly, the Main character played by Michael J Fox, is clearly annoyed at the fact that his father, George McFly, played by Crispin Glover, is essentially being bullied by his manager/ high-school bully, Biff Tannen played by Thomas F. Wilson.

I've always loved the writing in this film, and watching it again on the big screen it was almost like seeing it for the first time and there are so many little things in the story that I had almost forgotten.

Marty meets with his good friend and old scientist, Dr. Emmett Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd, and Doc Brown has discovered time travel and because of an incident, Marty is thrust into the past and has to do whatever he can to get back home.

Everything Happens For A Reason
In the story of the film, nothing happens by accident; while meeting with his girlfriend, Marty hears about the old clocktower being struck by lightning, and some people are trying to save it, they hand him a flyer, which his girlfriend writes her phone number of her grandmothers house on, meaning that he keeps the flyer, when he is with his parents that night, they say that this was during the big school dance, and before going back, Doc Brown mentions the date he invented Time Travel and how it happened.

Marty arrives back on this date, and using all of the information he picked up within the first few minutes of the film, he is able to utilize this info, to get himself back home.

Although, along the way, there are some snags and he ends up altering history and changing his family's life for the better.

All The Characters Are Great
Every character in the film is brilliant, and George McFly in particular steals the show in almost every scene he is in. I was laughing my head off for almost the entire film, and I find it to be, not only a great comedy but a really good story in general. The scenes where Marty is teaching his father George how to defend himself are particularly good, especially due to George's apprehension, and when he gets back to the future his fathers new found attitude has improved his entire family's lives for the better.

A picture of my ticket, just prior to heading in to watch the film

The Inspiration For The Film
The writers of the movie, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale were trying to break into Hollywood, and up until the point of creating the movie had only seen a small amount of success in the film world. The movie itself was rejected about 40 times before they were able to get it produced.

Bob Gale was inspired to create the story, when he went back to his family home one day, and while looking through the attic he found his parent's old high school yearbooks, and wonder when looking at the old photos if he and his parents would have been friends if he found himself back in the past.

With this idea in mind, the two friends got to work drafting the script and the rest is history.

The Perfect Trilogy
I don't think, for me personally, there are many perfect film trilogies, off the top of my head I would say, The Lord of The Rings, Star Wars IV-VI, and Back To The Future.

I love that there are running jokes in the Back To The Future trilogy, which make the entire story stronger after watching all three of them. The idea of standing up for yourself, and not being afraid of rejection are two big takeaways from the first movie especially, and in fact, the story behind the film and how it got created is a big inspiration for any budding filmmaker/ writer, who is trying to break into the industry.