If only I could live in Australia


I have always been in Nigeria; I was born and bred here and never stepped beyond its borders. We have seen a fair share of things we are not proud of yet; we are limited in mobility and emigration.

If I were to choose a country other than mine to live in, I'd preferably opt for Australia. According to research, Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world and also the largest country by area in Oceania. It is a country with beautiful landscapes, climates, Savannahs, and mountains.


Australia has less stringent rules for emigrants, is the fortieth most visited country for tourism, and contributes a major quota to its nation's GDP. Sidney is a top choice city in Australia, and I would love to visit for its outstanding bustling city lifescape with sensational beach vibes. The breath of the ocean is on my bucket list. As a medic, Australia has appreciable need and allowance for professionals.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. I hope one day I'll have the opportunity to visit and perhaps live in Australia.

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