My daily ritual

Good day guys, and a big thank you for this contest. I really appreciate it. It is a new way for me to improve my writing in various niches. I would like to introduce my daily ritual with a preview of how my day starts.

Preview of my day(morning hours)

I always start my day with prayers to my GOD, then I dress my bed and sweep my room (heard it gives you a good start, which is true), I then go through a 1 minute meditation to help me go for my goals for the day and that's the major part for my morning.

Which leads us to the particular habit I will be referring to as my daily ritual, "Reading".

Why I read ?

It has been an essential part of my life, be it school related, self improvement books or the holy book, it gives great impact in my life, it widens my scope of knowledge and helps me attain a better way of living day by day. It is what helps me get fine tuned and have a purposeful day, even articles on hive tends to be impactful most times seeing all different articles of various importance in different areas help me grow and in turn helps me create my own content, that's why I love reading daily, mostly not story books but books that improved me in every areas and teaches me new things sometimes story books dose that. Thanks for reading 😅, my blog post.

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