[Writing Contest - Round 25] Winners Announcement

Time to sum up 25th round of the writing contest.

This round we travelled to the past and to the future with a time machine ;)

The contest participants:



@holovision @alonicus @whitneyalexx

Each winner gets 100 Ecency Points, 1 ARCHON token and all other participants will get 20 Ecency points each.

It is always very hard to choose the winners... And participants who didn't follow all rules were excluded from the contest list. But they still get 20 Ecency points for participating.

🎇 Congratulations!!! 🎇

Thank you very much for being a part of that contest and for your excellent work!

A big thanks to @melinda010100 for the support and contribution!💙

The new round of the writing contest will be announced soon. And we are waiting for your work!

Don't miss Waves Challenge

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