Homeschooling versus Traditional schooling

Homeschooling is training one's child at home instead of sending them to school while Traditional schooling is a formal education provided in public or private schools. In Africa, the most practiced type of schooling is the traditional schooling where a child is enrolled into a school. This education was welcomed a few years after the white men introduced schooling to us. So far, traditional schooling has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the influence it has on a child.

Homeschooling is not common around us. Most people though practice informal education, they still enroll their children in schools. Parents may decide to practice homeschooling for these reasons; They hope to train their children with certain values and to overlook their affairs while the children learn under them. Parents may sometimes believe they'll likely give the best to their children and probably prevent them from peer pressures.

But then, there are certain disadvantages that may arise from homeschooling such as ; The child may grow up to be antisocial, may not learn in standard with the educational curriculum, Lack certain training that only school provides such as excursion, practicals, games etc.

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Traditional schooling
Traditional schooling is the common type of schooling practice in Africa. Children go through the system of education and acquire certifications which are assumed to qualify them for work. One of the advantages of traditional schooling is that; it exposes a child to vast learning, and helps them make critical decisions in society. Traditional schooling prepares a child to face society especially if such a child attends a boarding house

But there are also a few disadvantages of traditional schooling; peer pressure, less attention, unhealthy competition, frustration to meet certain demands, strikes, and high tuition fees.

The kind of schooling parents may choose may determine what they find best for their children.

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