My go to quote.....ecency-star prompt.

Hello ecencians and blog lovers, thank God it's Friday!

The thought of the weekend boosts a certain type of energy in me that I can't explain and so it's with this cheeriness thay I welcome you to my blog.

This post is my response to the #ecency-star prompt

My favorite quote.

Being a Nigerian exposed me to diverse kinds of coded words. These coded words could either be a proverb, an idiom or a quote. Some examples are;

Let sleeping dogs lie.

Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

You cannot shave a man's head in his absence.

A toad does not run in the day time for nothing... it's either it is chasing a thing or something is chasing it.

These and many more were often used by elders when they conversed with youths or among themselves. I derivef some level of happiness just by listening to them cis this afforded me the opportunity to learn the application if some coded words.

My favorite quote is "beat your last record". I don't know the source of the quote, if there's any because I have always heard my dad repeat it to my ears consistently, ever since I was a wee lassy.

My dad would usually say to me "do not relax on your last success". Maybe he meant that phrase for my academia but it ended up becoming my go to quote and one of my life mantra.

This quote usually fuels a fighting spirit within me (not for the boxing ring o) but for whenever I have a task to perform or a goal to achieve. I have never been one to back down from anything, be it a contest, a project or an assignment.

An experience I had many years proved this quote to be my favorite quote. let's share shall we...

After my O'level examinations, I was yet to write the Joint Admission Examination Board (JAMB) exams, which woild be needed for me to gain admission into a higher institution of my choice. This meant I had to stay at home for one year. Due to the fact that I didn't want to be idle, I decided to venture into the labour market.

I was seventeen years old when I landed my first job in a shoe factory, but before I got the job, a lot of processes and tests were involved. One of such test was to sew leather. I had never operated a sewing machine before and I began to feel very nervous as this test was the final one to getting the job.

In that state of nervousness, this quote came to mind and I felt a rush of adrenaline flow through my body but better than that, I had the mindset of conquering that task. Immediately I began to observe those who knew how to operate the machine. I waited and watched and by the time it got to my turn, every iota of nervousness had dissipated.

the sewing machine is behind me

I handled the sewing machine like a pro, some applicants did not believe that I was a novice and had just learnt how ti to operate a sewing machine right there. Others congratulated me on my adept ability. Whwn the results were called, my name was surprisingly among the top 20 finalists. I was so elated that I passed the test and landed the job but more importantly, I was grateful to my dad and his quote, which always drive me to do better than I last did.

The sky will only limit those who see it as being unreachable not for me, the sky is my starting point... *for to be named among the stars, that's the goal for me. @jmis101 come and join me here 😁.

Thank you all for reading....shalom.

All images used are mine

Leaving people better than you met them is Living...Becky🤗
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