Jewish Voice for Peace Celebrates Palestinian Murderers & Compares Them To Warsaw Ghetto Resistance

Jewish Voice for Peace are constantly trying to outdo themselves when it comes to showing how they are Jewish-in-name-only (if that) and certainly not for peace.

The latest example of this - a tweet commemorating the 33rd anniversary of the First Intifada - with bonus antisemitism

This poster glorifies actual terrorists, and not just "kids throwing rocks" (those rocks can also do a lot of damage, by the way).

  • Leila Khaled is an unrepentant PFLP terrorist and first female palestinian plane hijacker, who attempted to kill every passenger on board an El Al flight - man, woman and child.
  • Those "defenders of Nablus" were actual terrorists from the likes of Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. The IDe went in to Nablus following dozens of suicide bombing attacks. Of the 78 palestinians killed, 70 were terrorists. The "defenders of Nablus" also produced arms for use in terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, ran bomb laboratories, produced explosives and rockets, and used holy places such as mosques and churches for the execution of terrorist attacks.
During the First Intifada, terrorists murdered 160 Israelis (100 civilians and 60 IDF soldiers) and injured more than 1,400 Israeli civilians and 1,700 soldiers. I am sure JVP don't really care about this. Yet they also don't seem to care about the estimated 822 palestinians murdered as alleged Israeli collaborators by their brethren.

JVP are not just glorifying these terrorists; they are going as far as comparing them to Warsaw Ghetto uprising heroes. In doing so, not only are they besmirching the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust, but they are comparing Israel to the Nazis, which is, as I keep mentioning, against the IHRA working definition of antisemitism.

On top of all of this, JVP want to remind everyone they are "Jewish" - hence the use of the word "l'chaim." This word means "to life" - which is the exact opposite of what these terrorists they are glorifying represent.

Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress :

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