Silver League Powerhouses

Assuming you have leveled some of your summoners I will share some of my strategies that I like to use in Silver League.


  1. This one is not much a secret but Chaos Dragon at lvl 2 especially paired with Delwyn is a very difficult combo to deal with. 4 magic damage paired with scattershot and blast can decimate an enemy back line. Now you will for sure want to put it in your back line to really take advantage of its scattershot but this is a duo that will carry you for sure.




  1. Pairing these two together can really rip apart the enemy front lines. At any level Grund is a beast but his real weakness is being without shields. Mycelic Slipspawn's tawnt takes the attention from Grund usually long enough for him to at least take out the enemy tank if not more!

These cards above are quite popular but, Now I want to point out these really cheap sleepers that I use all the time and you can max them out at lvl 5 (Silver League) for really cheap.


  1. Antoid Platoon has been amazing for me since leveling him up. This is not quite as good as Living Lava but the bonus is that it is only 4 mana so it is an all star in low mana and little league games. Plus in your medium mana matches he saves you an extra 3 mana that can fit in a serpentine spy where you wouldn't be able to with Living Lava.


  1. Another one in the Fire Splinter I have been really loving for Silver League is the Radiated Brute. This is not a flashy monster but at lvl 4 it has 6 heath and 3 melee (7 and 4 with Tarsa) and reach. So putting her in the second position really puts alot of pressure on the enemy tank.


  1. The last card I would like to talk about is the Angelic Mandarin. This card is not going to blow the enemy away with damage but at lvl 4 it is a very solid support card. I like to think of it playing a similar role to the Earth Elemental. They are both beefy ranged attackers that you can put in the back line that can take a couple hits. The difference in the two is that the mandarin has triage so at lvl 4 it wont last as long potentially as the Earth Elemental who has self heal but I think it may be better because it can keep your heavy damage back liners alive longer.

Thank you for reading! If you have any thoughts on my analysis or have some of your own to share please leave a comment :D!

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