Splinterlands season end statistics (Modern ranked) (2024.09.30)

During the previous season I achieved more than 500 rating, but then an unfair losing streak came, and I fell back to 260.

Unfair, because Splinterlands gave me opponents with much higher ratings (and with higher level cards too) than me.

Similarly to the past.

So this game is still unfair, and not fun in long term.

My rank in the previous season is 3075, so I am almost in the top 3000 Modern Bronze Splinterlands players.

I played 120 battles in the previous season. I won 44 battles. My win rate is 36.66%.

I will not play many Splinterlands matches in this season.

Nowadays I really spend very little time online anyway, and I rather spend that very little time with actually enjoyable things.

Good luck and have fun. Whatever you play.

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