Opening another Chaos Legion card pack gift from @captainquack22 (2022.02.05)


@captainquack22 one day ago sent me another Chaos Legion card pack gift. Let me start by saying that I am very grateful and very happy for this gift. Especially after I read that you are in debt.

As for the contents of the card pack, you were much luckier than me with that Gold Foil Diemonshark. But at least I also received a Gold Foild card.

A Gold Foil Gargoya Scrapper. And two rare cards. A rare Thaddius Brood summoner, and a rare Celestial Harpy card. And two common cards. A Radiated Brute and a Scavo Hireling.

Still no Legendaries. I guess that these Legendary Potion Charges that we often receive as quest rewards are indeed worthless and useless.


Let us check the current value of the received cards.

The Gold Foil Gargoya Scrapper is currently worth $1.29 USD.

The Thaddius Brood Rare summoner is currently worth $3.10 USD.

The Radiated Brute is currently worth $0.06 USD.

The Celestial Harpy is currently worth $0.20 USD.

The Scavo Hireling is currently worth $0.13 USD.

This is $4.78 USD in total. At least it is not a loss. Well, actually it is, if I take into account the Voucher too. Because the cost of a pack is a Voucher + $4 USD.

Thank you so much again for the Chaos Legion card pack gift.

Good luck and have fun.

By the way, I set you as a beneficiary (50%) for this post, as a means of thank you, and also as a kind of help. Hopefully you will be able to pay off your debts as soon as possible.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


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