
In my continued effort to bring you low quality, repetitive, cyclical, drivel on a weekly basis, in a change from the precious metals related rhetoric i usually bang on about, i now offer to you my loyal followers, a bang average #splinterlands blog.

Without much thought, or deep contemplation, ill be sharing with you few brave souls that have taken the time to read this post, my weekly BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!. The "share your battle" challange has ended, where the @splinterlands team asked you to share a battle with a specific monster, and now its more about a specific ruleset. This new weekly challenge definitely has its upside, as it allows a wider audience to take part, even when their battle decks are limited.


This week, the team over at #splinterlands has asked us to share a battle with the ruleset "EQUAL OPPORTUNITY". As the name suggests, all monsters taking part in the battle begin with the "OPPORTUNITY" ability

This ruleset, can completely flip a battle on its head! Conventional battle plans go straightnout the window, it also creates a whole new style of play. No hiding places in this ruleset.... Every monster is coming for your weakest link!!

By that, what i mean is, since all monsters have the "opportunity" ability, they will look for the monster with the lowest health points and hit that monster first. Whislt this is technically true, there are ways around this, and you can negate that ability by using monsters with the "taunt" ability, which you may or may not see laternin this post.

Lets go play #splinterlands...... Its not like you can pick and choose the rulesets for every battle! After playing what seemed like my full allocation of 50 battles, i finally came across the ruleset i was waiting for:


But doing what #splinterlands does best, they threw a spanner in the works by adding a ruleset alongside Equaliser just to mess with my mind and future game plan.

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL: Only monsters with **melee** attack may be used in the battle

Taking these rulesets in to consideration and the summoner choices available to me, I actually decided that for this specific battle, with these specific ruleset, I would pick my Contessa L'Ament to use some pretty hard hitting death splinter monsters. I would have much rather used my Malric or Daria, to give my monsters a melee advantage boost, but unfortunately those choices were unavailable.


Since the opportunity ruleset is in play, you would think that the placement of monsters isnt of that big a deal, as they will automatically target the opponents monster with the lowest health, but a few tricks can help turn the battle in your favour from the off...

Watch the battle HERE

Once the two teams are revealed, I always have a quick look at my opponents set up, before hitting rumble. I like to playout in my head how i think the battle will unfold. I try and predict what i think the outcome may be, and judge how well my opponents have set up thier team.

From the get-go i noticed that this was going to be a very difficult battle. Whilst my monsters had what looked like the attack points advantage, @NO2 looked to have the advantage with his summoner advantage of additional shielding. With his "inspire" from the silvershield knight and "taunt" from his shieldbarer, it would need a miracle to outperform their team.

I hoped that my monsters with their "thorns" ability would help, and by using my Enchanted Defender witb its low health would take the first round of attacks and aidnin removi g of my opponent shielding.


The battle started as expected. My ED took the brunt of the attacks and my monsters focused on the SB..... I took forst blood, but my ED fell pretty quickly afterwards. I mamaged to take out his silvershield Knight and he lost his "inspire", but it staryed to look ominous for me at this point.

My Cursed Wendigo still had thorns and this continued to do what it does....


In a single round my Wendigo and Worm were taken out and the battle had swung in my opponents favourite, or had it?? My Goblin Mech with its heavy armour was in the firing line. Undead Rexxi got a trample in and the tables were turned and there was no going back for @no2 now. Victory looked certain and would be just a round or 2 away.



Whilst the victory came pretty easy in the end, if a few missed attacks hadnt have happened, this certainly could have come differently. A very competitive battle and a great example of 2 teams built for the "opportunity" ruleset.

Would you have picked a different team/combonation? If so let me knownin the comments below.


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