Splinterlands weekly challenge! Centaur


Hi everyone and welcome to my entry of this weeks splinterlands share your battle with the Centaur




The Centaurs of Anumün can skewer a squirrel from further than a human eye can see. Their arrows are thick, their bows are long, and they are extremely territorial. In close combat, they require no weapons, having the fury of a man and the strength of a horse.


Having the snipe ability by default, makes this a nice card to be used against a team containing a lot of non melee monsters.

Medium mana costOnly 1 attack
3 speed

This card was part of the base card set, but is removed by the Chaos Legion update. Now it will set you back 0.1 DEC a day for rent, or 582 DEC (~ $3.36) if you wish to buy a level 1 card. (prices taken from peakmonsters.com)


The Battle


Link to the full battle


My tactic for this game was to use Pyre as the summoner, because of his increase in speed. My idea was to put the Living Lava in tank position, and put Serpentine Spy with the opportunity in second position. The remaining positions i wished to fill with ranged monsters, closing the row would be the centaur, because of its 4 health. My hopes where that the Serpentine Spy and the Centaur would take out the non-tank monsters of my opponent as fast as possible.

Teams And Ruleset

The ruleset of this battle:

Mana Cap19
Normal Ruleset

My Team

SummonerPyreBuff: +1 Speed
TankLiving LavaShield
2nd LineSerpentine SpyOppurtunity
3rd LineGoblin Fireballer
4th LineCentaurSnipe

Opponent's Team

SummonerThaddius BroodBuff: -1 Magic, -1 Life
TankCursed WindekuThorne
2nd LineLife SapperLife Leech
3rd LineCursed Slimeball
4th LineUndead BadgerSneak
5th LineDeath ElementalSnipe

Round 1


Starting the battle, i saw that i made a good choice by adding the Centaur because my opponent used a non melee monster in second position, meaning this would be attacked first by the Centaur. This lower its health to 1, being directly attacked and destroyed afterward by the serpentine spy. Now it was my opponents Death Elemental turn, which also has the snipe ability. This took down my Goblin Fireballer. After taking 1 more damage to the Centaur and destroying the shield of the Living Lava, it was time for round 2.

Round 2


In this round, the Centaur hit the Death Elemental first, and the Serpentine Spy took out the Cursed Slimeball. After this first attack, it was my opponents turn to take out the Centaur with the Death Elemental and Undead Badger. After doing some damage and taking some damage on the Living Lava by the attack and thorn ability of the Cursed Windeku it was time for round 3.

Round 3


This round started by the Serpentine Spy taking out the Undead Badger, leaving my opponent with only his tank and 1 line of defense. Because of the Snipe ability, the Death Elemental attack the Living Lava instead of my Serpentine Spy. The third attack was the Living Lava taking out the Cursed Windeku, but unfortunatly was also taken out by the thorn ability, leaving the Serpentine Spy and Death Elemental for entering the final round.

Round 4


In this last round, my monster could attack first, because of its higher speed. This killed the Death Elemental and ended this battle in a win for me.



Luckily for my, the choice of the Centaur in combination with the Fire splinter turned out great because my opponent used multiple magic monsters. So in case you are battling someone who uses a lot of low health magic / ranged monsters in lower mana cap battles, i think it is a solid option to add the Centaur to your lineup.


I hope you enjoyed my entry for this weeks battle, and hope to see you in the next!

If you want to give splinterlands a try, you are welcome to use my referral link



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