Take it from Bruce Lee...........don't be a Panic Seller!


Hey to all my fellow Splinterlanders, hope you are well. Good morning to all the guys, gals, and like minded non binary pals! I just wanted to share this battle this morning.

I also want to give a shout out to the Developer Team at Splinterlands for the upcoming Reward changes and the game they have given us overall. I get so sick of all the negative comments and complaints. Get humble mother f****rs! With the exception of a professional athletes and a small percentage of top tier gamers, when was the last time anyone else gets paid to play a damn game? Anyone....... I'm waiting....... Never is when. Never have I ever been paid to play a game. All the complainers and whinners (not winners) can take a long walk off a short pier.


I mean not to go on a tangent, however sometimes I just have to spit some truth about the entitlement some people seem to have. Of course there are always going to be some people that come into any situation as "whales" throwing a crap ton of money into a project giving them an advantage that most don't have to start with.


So what, I mean honestly, can you imagine if at the start of Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, or any other company, provided the public with a way to "play" or do daily challenges, awarding you stocks in the company or percentage of profits? The opportunity to get involved with a project at the ground level (or damn near close to it) can be life changing...... or can create millions of people talking about how they had the opportunity to buy Amazon, Microsoft, Bitcoin, Ethereum, DEC, and SPS way back when it was under a dollar, as they sit in their recliners and keyboards criticizing and critiquing how Tom Brady or Lebron James performed the day before and what they could have done better.


No I am not a whale, I am not even a minnow or shrimp, I am the chum that gets fed to the whales and sharks in captivity. I don't have moon bags (still unsure of what that even means but whatev's). But what I do have is just as important. I have confidence in the vision of the Developers of Splinterlands and the longevity of this project, I have a plan, I do my own research, I try to surround myself with people that have what I want, and I'm investing as much Time & Attention into Splinterlands, Crypto, and Blockchain as a whole. I'm watching the same people that were climbing all over themselves to buy Bitcoin and other projects when they were reaching all time highs, freaking out and selling as they approach record lows. The saying "Buy when there is blood in the streets" isn't sound advice for nothing.


In closing, in the most polite and succinct way I can muster, to all the whinners, and doubters, and complainers out there, in case no one has made the suggestion, allow me. If you don't like the project, don't have faith in the longevity, or think certain aspects aren't fair (adults really shouldn't utter that phrase to begin with), Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Kick rocks, but before you go, I'm more than willing to buy your cards, decks and any other crypto items from your scared soft paper hands!


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