Battle Mage Secrets: Up to Eleven - Go All In


Hi all, a week had passed us by and it's time back for another Battle Mage Secrets. In the last week, we tried to understand how to have advantage on Up Close and Personal. This week, we look into something that help boost some negative returns.

Ruleset Spotlight


Up to Eleven

All units have the Amplify ability.
Use Thorns, Return Fire, and Magic Reflect to ensure your opponent suffers more the abilities.

What thrives with this ruleset?
As the description says, it is best to use abilities such as thorns, return fire or magic reflect to put up to our advantage due to amplify increases the output from these, returning the damage to the attacker

However, I realize it is not as easy to always be filling up the lineup with cards of the above mentioned abilities. But I do feel we can consider the following to lessen the impact such as Void and Shield. These are 2 amazing abilities to cushion the impact of reflection.

However, if all else not work, my thoughts were to end the pain fast, strike and make sure no other cards will feel the pain again. What does this mean? Instead of having cards from opponent causing us all kinds of problems with the reflection or thorns, why not take it down fast, take out those that are vulnerable then grow bigger than before to nullify the impact. In this case, I am talking about Snipe + Blood Lust. This is one combination of ability than will just keep rolling and before you know it, all the reflect is a mere scratch to it. We will see more or that later.

Otherwise, keep up the defences which I've mentioned before using Shield and Void, otherwise if possible, field cards with the reflective abilities like Thorns, Return Fire and Magic Reflect. Stats wise, more armour and more health are key factors.


With these in mind, let's start to talk about the battle proper.

The Battle

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Up to Eleven, Lost Legendaries
Mana Limit: 32

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Franz Ruffmane6SummonerEnable Gladius and gives additional +1 armour
Imperial Knight71stFront tank with void armour to handle some magic damage
Venari Crystalsmith42ndHeals up tank
Captain Katie73rdSnipe and Blood Lust, the danger combo
Pelacor Arbalest64thDouble attacker
Celestial Harpy25thBackline shield with flying
Total Mana:32

Opponent Lineup

  • Summoner - Malric Inferno
  • Position 1 - Venari Marksrat
  • Position 2 - War Chaang
  • Position 3 - Technowizologist
  • Position 4 - Fire Caller
  • Position 5 - Tenyii Striker
  • Position 6 - Goblin Shaman

Prediction before pressing rumble
Wow, a Level 4 Malric. Very different kind of lineup with focus very different. No thorns etc on my opponent side, time to focus on taking them down.

Battle Synopsis

Round 1, All kinds of attack flying everywhere, with only the Venari Marksrat falling, boosting War Chaang.

Round 2, Oh my, I am getting tonnes of casualties. Very heavy attack from my opponent seeing 3 cards down this turn. Imperial Knight, Venari Crystalsmith and Celestial Harpy all went down. Things are looking bleak.

Round 3, Captain Katie, took out the War Chaang and started growing. Subsequently, Pelacor Arbalest took care of the high hitting Fire Caller. Tenyii Striker boosted.

Round 4-5, It was down to Captain Katie to hold the front and smash out whatever juice left on my opponent's end. Victory secured with a complete tide change.

Post Battle Summary
At round 2, it looked like a goner, however, even if opponent magic reflect etc, nothing can stop an ever growing Katie.

Did my strategy work? Initially the plan was to plant a Captain Katie to tear down my opponent lineup bit by bit by sniping and growing without the concern of reflecting. However, little did I know how well Captie Katie took over everything and see the victory to the whole match.

What's the Battle Mage Secret?

The Battle Mage Secret to share is that while this ruleset does actually make you take more reflective damage, a smart usage of a growing stats ability like Blood Lust actually outgrows the returned damage, allowing it to further wreck havoc.

However one additional tip I have, will be usage of Gladius cards with Thorns, Return Fire or Magic Reflect. Do not underestimate the power of merging Blood Lust with them. So instead of being shredded bit by bit, go all in and secure the win.

Wrap Up
I hope you guys enjoyed reading my sharing on the rule set Up to Eleven. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or commented to let me know what are you thoughts.

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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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