Adapting to Modern: Prepare to Get More Rebellion Soul Bound Reward Cards Part 4


Welcome back to another new post on Adapting to Modern where I look at how I crossed over from playing in Wild Battles till today on Modern Battles, sharing with the community the struggles, the strategies and things I do to move towards playing in Modern. With Rebellion Soul Bound reward cards coming live, there is an increased of Rebellion Soul Bound reward cards seen, so as I've started to review the reward cards last week, let's continue to look at 2 more of the Soul Bound reward cards.

Rebellion Soul Bound Reward Cards

I am seeing more Rebellion Soul Bound rewards cards in play, so I also had to start pulling some and here is what I've gotten from 20 reward chest pull that I done in the past few days:



Out of 20 chest pulls, I've managed to pull a legendary card which I am really happy with outcome. The rest were either common or rare but not too bad as sooner or later, I will need more of every card to see how the cards fare when they level up.

Let's continue from last week where we reviewed 1 epic and 1 legendary from the fire splinter, today we look at the final legendary card from fire and also a common card from water.



First up is the Emberguard. Just by the looks of it, this is a card that I really hope to be able to own. A 2 magic attacker with a demoralize is really because it can really be used as a good debuff in a match to actually help one suppress the melee attack of your opponent, keeping those sneak and opportunity cards in check. As this card levels up, it gains reflection shield which is really awesome against those blast or magic reflect aiding it's survivability. And with it being a magic attacker, the dispel that is gained at the final level is also something good to help remove all the positive buffs that opponent stacked on their cards. A truly legendary card that I personally think will be a game changer in many matches.

Giant Alpine Skink


Next up is Giant Alpine Skink. This card I managed to do a full scale review in an earlier post for community engagement. So in summary, this card actually gave Water Splinter a new option for a tank. This card has really good stat line for health, speed and attack. Very versatile card that one can deploy for water splinter. This card becomes crazy with both advantage against melee and magic when it hits level 5 when it gains phase. And to top it off, it gains stun at final level to make it a scarier card to face. So a really good card to own and utilize.

Both cards on showcase are really very good cards, with Giant Alpine Skink more easily accessed as compared to Emberguard which is a legendary card. Both add a great deal of option to their individual splinters, with good abilities and will be able to excel in matches for multiple rulesets. Levelling these cards up is also a no brainer with both gaining good abilities and stat line upon levelling up.

Wrap Up
I do think there are definitely nice and useful cards out of the pool of Soul Bound reward cards added. So let's continue to battle, clock more Glint, then start putting the cards into greater utility be it in ranked or even during brawl. I will continue to research and look at the others card and will share another 2 cards in the next post.

Let's continue to grow and find path in modern as we journey on playing Splinterlands.

See you next time!

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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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