Splinterlands Social Media Challenge | Stampede!

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Namaste to all the wonderful warriors of Splinterlands!🙏

This is my entry to the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! For this week's challenge, I've chosen one of my yesterday's battles, In which you will understand the importance of different levels of cards and the right strategy in the battlefield. :)


The total mana cap for this battle was 32, including the summoner's mana cost as you all know.

Rule set (Stampede)Meaning
The trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled monster is killed.

I chose the summoner of the Earth element whose name is Underboss Fabino and mana cost was 5. This Summoner would provide +2 melee attack to 2 monsters or Poisoned 1 monster. My reason for choosing this summoner was to use its poison.


Monsters on the battlefield!

1st position (Venari Knifer)Ability
Mana cost of this monster is 6 and its ability is one of my favourite Thorns, according to which when this monster hits with a melee attack, it does 2 melee damage back to the attacker.

2nd position (Pallus)Ability
Mana cost of this monster is also 8, and it has Flying and Reach ability. With Flying Ability, this monster has 25% bonus chances of evading melee or ranged attacks from units who do not have flying ability and with Reach Ability, It may attack from the second position on the team.

3rd position (Endless Ape)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of 8 and this ape has Scavenger Ability according to which it gains 1 max health each time any unit dies.

4th position (Venari Scout)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of 3 and it has Opportunity Ability according to which it may attack from any position and will target the enemy unit with the lowest health.

5th position (Mycelic Morphoid)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of only 1 and it has no ability.

6th position (Chaos Agent)Ability
This monster also has a mana cost of only 1 and it also has no ability.


With these 6 monsters, I created my team using all my mana caps.

Now I will take you to the battlefield!

Round 1

This is how the battlefield looked like after the monsters received the powers of both summoners. As per my opponent's summoner's power, all friendly ranged attack monsters got +1 ranged attack and I chose the Poison on my opponent's first-positioned monster after which now it was the turn of the monsters to fight.

Round 1.5

Soon after the battle began I realized that choosing a monster with the Thorns ability was of no use here because the opponent's team did not have a single monster with a melee attack. That's why one attack after another from the opponent's team knocked out my first-positioned monsters in the first round and now we both had an equal number of monsters left.

Round 2

At the beginning of the next round, my Summoner's Poison power showed its effect, but I also noticed that 2 healers on the opponent's team were repeatedly healing the first-positioned monster, due to this none of my attacks had any effect on the enemy.

Round 2.5

And in the very second round, my most promising monster also died. I am saying most promising because I have won many battles because of this one monster and here also if the opponent did not have these healers or I also had healers then my enemy would also have suffered a huge loss in this battle.

Round 3

The healers once again healed and fully charged the 4 health of the opponent's first-positioned monster, which was reduced by the attacks of my monsters and the effect of poison at the beginning of the third round. This is one of my very big mistakes that I underestimated the need and effect of a healer on the battlefield.

Round 3.5

And in the third round itself, another great warrior of mine was killed and to be honest, there is nothing left in the battle after this, because now that I see it, I don't know the reason why I chose these last 2 monsters is because they do not have any abilities and a single melee hit from a monster that will now be in first position will not harm the opponent. So simply I lost this battle but I've learned some really deep lessons from it.


Conclusion and what I learned!

There is no doubt that the opponent had better cards and a few were above level 1 I guess. But I could have given an equal fight in the battle if I had included healers in my team. I'll be honest, before this battle, I didn't understand the importance of healers on the battlefield at all. But it is not so difficult to understand that no card is unnecessarily created in this amazing game. It is very important to make a proper strategy keeping in mind the ruleset, opponent, and mana cap. After the lessons learned from this one defeat, I am sure that in this game I will be able to make better strategies than before and give tough competition to my opponents.

You can enjoy my entire battle here!


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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Paragraph Dividers and all the photos are from #Splinterlands.
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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