
Hello friends!

Another season just ended from the splinterlands. I hope you got nice rewards last season. If your rewards were a bit salty just chill because splinterlands has launched their new reward cards check them out.

My account has rolled back to bronze 3 this season. I do not usually hold much card power. Most of my cards were out for rent which provides my account passive DEC. I really don't mind being rolled back it benefits my blog content. I wanted to onboard trading card game players to splinterlands.

I have prepared for you a strategy for bronze players to rank up fast. You will need a level 2 Mylor Crowling as Summoner and a level 3 Flesh Golem as tank. The rest of your team should base on your mana per battle.

Mylor Crowling


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  • Rare earth summoner card from dice edition
  • Has thorns ability (whenever your opponent uses a melee attack his card receives 2 melee damage per attack)
  • take note we are using level 2 summoner so we can play level 3 common cards on this strategy.

Flesh Golem


image link

  • Common earth monster card from alpha and beta edition (ancient)
  • Has decent HP good for a tank
  • Take note to be a level 3 monster to unlock his healing ability

The Strategy

  • As much as possible use Mylor Crowling as your summoner and Flesh Golem their ability will help you win lots of battle in bronze league.
  • Rent Level 3 common cards and level 2 rare cards for your team. Card rentals are so cheap on the beginning of a season you can assemble the whole team with not more than 50 DEC "as of this moment".

My Battle


battle link

  • My opponent in this battle countered my team (The best way to counter thorns is by ranged attack). He has been using different kind of splinter for his battles maybe he has been countering attacks in his battles.
  • I made an extra layer of tank. I had a feeling that he would counter me which he did and I got lucky because I responded to my instict.


  • Play the game and have fun.
  • If you don't have enough money to buy packs, rent cards to play the game.

E N D !

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