Battle Mage Challenge

armored up.png

Amazing day everyone!

I am going to share with you today my response to the “Armored Up” challenge. To everybody who is new, it is a ruleset in the game in which all the card gets +2 armor in the beginning of the game. Splinterlands really did a great job with the game with rulesets; it made the game more fun and challenging.



My Strategy

My Armored up battle got paired with Going the distance. I can only play monsters with ranged attacks. I had to adjust my strategy to win the battle.

In this battle I used Malric Inferno lvl4 His ability did not contribute to the game but because of its level I can unlock additional stats on my cards.

Position #1: Venari Marksrat his main rule in the game is to die early so the monster adjacent to him gets additional stats

Position #2: Molten Ash Golem he has Close Range ability it enables his to attack from the first position

Position #3: Lava Launcher this guys also has the Close Range ability he serves as a backup

Position #4: Lava Spider his rule in this strategy is just an additional damager

Position #5: Ash Mirage his Headwinds ability it is a -1 ranged attack to your opponent’s cards

Position #6: Fire Dancer his Blast ability does additional damage to adjacent monsters

amored up.png

My opponent tried to beat me using Kelya Frendul which gives +1 speed and +1 armor to his cards. It was a good try though but I made him upset because I got a better strategy.


  • This is a good time to use your Magic Attacks it can penetrate to your opponent's life points
  • Abilities like Rust, Shatter, Void Armor, Repair and Piercing are good to play in this ruleset make sure you have familiarize your cards


Thank you for reading. I hope you like the battle I shared. Feel free to comment about your ideas. I would really appreciate them. If you want to try the game which I would really recommend check out my link below.

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Images are taken from Splinterlands and lorddiablo

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