The new rewards system sucks, and here's why...

The new rewards system for players that have been playing only a month or two or less are left out in the cold. The reason why is starter cards. Most noobs will not have the necessary cards in order to gain rewards. I'm not entirely sure what the minimum is but somewhere around $50 is my guess. For someone coming into the game and checking out the game, will not see any rewards and therefore will move along to another game.

This format really sucks for the new player. And I predict that this game in this state will NOT entice or draw new player base. This game needs new players. No ifs ands or buts. It can't survive without them. Buying a spellbook is not enough. My noob guufbawl is barely getting 5 rshares per win. that's abysmally horrible. Instead of completely eliminating any rshares for ghost cards they need to implement a reduced rshare. Not 0%. But rather cut the reward down to 30% perhaps so that they can at least earn something. Because remember you don't get rshares (focus points) unless you win. at bronze level you're scrapping with everyone just to get your head above water.
Another way to fix this is to not reset someone by points. Just simply reset someone at end of season to beginning of the same league. Assuming they're able to make the rank during the season that is.
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And lastly. This new format will not work for people who have a life. Sure if you're single and you work a normal 8 hour job it'll be easy to spend couple of hours every day. But for someone like me; family, job, extra job, extra extra job? I was able to complete daily quests and not much more. fight for points to rank up. But I can't commit couple of hours every day. This has to be fixed.
They may have fixed or slowed the bot problem, but now they have a people problem, and if it doesn't get fixed fast the player base is going to shrink much faster.

I could be wrong, but it doesn't take a genius to look at these issues and see it. What do you think? some major tweaking in the coming days?

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