Part 20...If I were a new player, would I be able to play this game? Dust to Diamond!

Part 20...If I were a new player, would I be able to play this game? Dust to Diamond!

End of season hit me fast. Some good rewards, not as much DEC as I would like to have had. But soldier on. Here's the rewards from end of season:

gf season 91 rewards.png
and this is the whole season summary. In total It's a nice hall and some good card pickups.

gf season 91 total.png
The worst thing about end of season is the new season. Starting over in bronze is like letting Joker loose in an insane asylum. It's pure madness. It can be tough and sometimes very tricky to win against the bots. They have data on their side. I have... well... me. I see the same card setups over and over and if you're stuck in a certain focus or daily quest it can be difficult and while you can choose to play a different focus than what the daly quest is. But then you miss out on bonus rshares. So it's a catch 22 situation. I usually try to play for the win. But now even the bots don't use repeated focus decks. So it's making it harder to plan for what the opponent uses. So find a solid win % deck according to the mana cap and the cards you have and you can climb out of bronze pretty quickly.

Until next time, join me on my journey from dust to diamond.

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