Splinterlands sucked me in

This is a player's perspective and experience from start to now;

I don't really enjoy gaming much, but I started to look into nft gaming for investing and found splinterlands, the first little while I sucked, couldn't understand how to win a battle. I stopped playing for about a month and then I decided to do some research and try again.. I started to win, and I started to buy cards as investments. And started to win more. Sps was launched and I started to collect as much sps as I could afford.

I never thought id become bullish on a game but I definitely did and I'm impatiently awaiting the release of chaos legion. The more my collection grows the more I want to grow it and it has become my daily addiction.

There's not really much to this post but I'm a newish player and I'm getting more interested in the hive block chain and I'd be interested to hear others new player experience and maybe connect with others interested in hive development (im also a developer working on some tokens, chains, and nft games)

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