My Splinterlands goals & progression

Hey, wanted to quickly share my current goals with Splinterlands and some progress I'm making.


Last time I mentioned my goals in Splinterlands was in this Post
There I set my goals to 50k Staked SPS and 100% completion of Chaos legion soulbound cards.

Now I will show if I managed these 2 goals and set up a bunch more goals for myself for the future.

Previous goals progression

Firstly the 50k Staked SPS goal.
When I set this goal for myself I was at 39k SPS and SPS was sitting comfortably above the 1 cent price point.

But since SPS dropped under half a penny, I have completely smashed out my goal of 50k Staked SPS and I'm actually sitting on 60k Staked SPS now.


Second was the 100% completion of Souldbound Chaos legion cards.
When I set that goal, I thought I would be playing a lot more and earning a lot more GLINT for myself than I ended up doing.

I really struggled with getting these chaos legion souldbound cards as I was so caught up on the Jackpots from chests that I didn't do much rarity draw buys (when they were released).

Also I ended up burning all the gold foil cards to get regular foil cards levelled up more.

I'm missing so many legendaries and I really wanted to get 100% completion on Commons and rare at least, but I just didn't earn enough GLINT.

These cards are buyable from the market, but I don't think I will be buying them, since they are quite pricy at the moment and I'd rather just spend money on Rebellion (and something else that I will mention later).

For now though

New goals

I don't even know yet for what time period I want to set my goals for, but I think I will just go by what I would like to reach withing a reasonable time frame (1-2 years at max).

I started playing more Soulkeep recently, also and I'm looking on expanding in that area aswell.

The goals I'm looking to complete are the following

  • 100k SPS Staked

This is assuming SPS price stays low, if SPS price goes over 0.05$ or higher, then I don't think I can manage reaching 100k SPS as at 0.05$ it gets way too expensive to buy and I do plan on selling 5k-10k SPS for real life purposes.

  • Rebellion soulbound cards to Silver league levels

I would love to max out these cards obviously, but realisticly I think I just don't have the GLINT earning power enough to max out this set of souldbound cards, so I'm setting my goals at Silver level cards, which I would still be happy with. Especially if I can get ALL of the legendaries unlocked. Again I won't be buying them if they stay this expensive as they are right now.

  • Get to league 5 on Soulkeep

As I said I've been playing Soulkeep more lately and I would really love to move up Leagues on that game. I'm currently at League 2. This does mean I will be spending money on nightmare packs, limiting my purchasing power for Rebellion.

Advice for beginners

As I did on my last goals post, I wanted to include the same section for this post also.

New players are so welcomed in our community and if you are new here and happened to stumble onto my posts, here are some tips for you to get going.

These tips are my personal opinion on what would help a new player, but then again I haven't been a new player here for 6 years, so I don't really know that perspective.

  • Find a guild

This is really important for your earning potential as you get SPS and Gladius cards from participating in Guild Brawls as well as some extra benefits from your guild buildings

Also this is a huge social aspect of the game and a way to make yourself some Splinterlands friends. I have only seen wholesome and friendly communities in Splinterlands and other people is the best source of information and help that you will need

  • Join the discord server

Splinterlands discord server is also a great source of information and help that you will need. Almost any question will be answered very quickly when you ask it in Tavern. Also it's the fastest way to find out about updates to the game.

  • Try to not focus on money, but fun

Try to find enjoyment in the game. The progression, the building, the gameplay are all so much fun when starting out. Learn renting cards, learn combos for battles, try to to have as much fun as you can and your deck will grow by itself magically.

I have enbaled @commentrewarder again for this post, so leave your thoughts down in the comments.

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