Some incredible magic attack cards of the death element

Hello Splinterfans, this time I'll be talking about incredible magic attack monsters of the death element that you could check out. We all love magic attack cards, and of course, they are amazing. I have found that the death element in particular has some pretty superb monsters in this category. I am delighted to share them with you.


This is one super incredible monster. It deals 5 magic attacks per turn. That is massive. It could deplete the entire health of some enemy units in just one blow. It has 2 armors and a health of 6. This lets it stay in battle longer to cause more chaos for the opponent. In addition to all of that, it has speed of 3, making it a fast monster. This card costs 13 mana and it is totally worth it.

Barashkukor has the fury ability at level 1, meaning it does double damage to enemy units with the taunt ability. By level 2, it adds the weaken ability, letting it reduce the health of all enemy monsters by 1. At level 3, it gets the Magic reflect ability, meaning that when it suffers a magic attack damage, it deals half the damage back to the attacking unit


This is another fierce death monster with impressive stats. It deals 3 magic attacks. It has a massive health of 12. That's enough to earn it a place at the tank position. However it is slow, as it has a speed of 1. This card costs 11 mana.

At level 1, Cthulhu has the cripple ability, which lets it deplete the health of an enemy unit by 1. It also has the flying ability at this level, which means it has a 25% extra chance of escaping melee and ranged attacks from units that don't have flying ability.
By level 2, it gets the stun ability, meaning there's a half chance a unit it attacks will skip its next turn. By level 3, it adds the weaken ability; and by level 4, it gets the last stand ability, meaning it gets fifty percentage extra to all stats when it is the last unit left in battle.

Djinn Muirat

This is in my opinion, one of the powerful magic attack monsters of the death element. It is capable of 2 magic attacks. It also had 4 armors and a health of 7, making it suitable for the front row in battle to cause mayhem for the opponent. It has a moderate speed of 2. The mana cost for this card is 9.

At level 1, it has the void armor ability, implying that magic attacks on this monster hit its armor first before touching its health. It also has the knock out ability at level 1, letting it do twice the damage when attacking a stunned enemy unit.

By level 2, it adds another incredible ability, the giant killer ability. With this ability, it does double damage to enemy units with a mana cost of 10 or higher. At level 3, it gets the Magic reflect ability; and by level 4, it adds the forcefield ability, letting it take only one damage when attacked by monsters with an attack of 5 or higher.

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