My splinterlands challenge from $ 0 to $ 100,000 in 365 days. Day 3

Today starts the third day of the splinterlands challenge from $ 0 to $ 100,000 in 365 days and I have to say that I hope it is at least as good as it was yesterday. Although in these early days there are not many advances due to the few resources I have and not having the book to play. However yesterday I got a new NIGHTMARE Card a common death monster. I am sure that this card will be very useful to me in the future.

Yesterday's article was a little less followed than the first because I couldn't promote it as the first one, even so I am very happy with the support from the community.

Now we have more bettors as to whether I will achieve the challenge or not. If I forget to put someone, please remind me in a message.

I leave you the reminder in case you want to participate, you do not lose anything.

Important: during the first 30 days you can bet if I will get it or not. Among all who succeed, I will give away 5% of the account value within 365 days. I hope it's $ 5000

Timid progress but I leave you with the updated data. As always I appreciate any advice you can give me to complete this dream.

The challenge:
Get 0 to $ 100,000 in account value in 365 days, sell it and donate 50% to the community.
Current account value:
$ 2.10

Sin título.png

What does the account have and what does it not have:
1,06 SPS = $ 0.30
1.33 DEC = $ 0.01
4 Cards = $ 1.49
30 SPT = $ 0,30 delegates @monster-curator
Has no spell book


Challenge participants

Challenge achieved:

Challenge not achieved:

The way to get the challenge:
Write a follow-up article every day to get the most SPT -Working
Sell ​​SPT for Hive to get $ 10 - Pending
Buy the Spell Book -Pendiente
Start playing -Pending
Participate in all possible draws to get Cards -Working
Purchase, sale, rental of Cards -Pending

How can you help me?
Tips many tips on how to play, tricks and others.
Vote the posts if you like them, it costs nothing.
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