Episode 98: A Sylar Conversation

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Episode 98: A Sylar Conversation

Welcome back to the People's Guild. In this one we sit down with a guest that has been a lightning rod amongst the Splinterlands community for the better part of the last year. Recently hired in a brand new position with the team, we were anxious to make this one happen.

Join us for this conversation with @sylar1 to learn about this new role, what led to the hiring and what his plans are for managing such a position.

Enjoy the show!

Sylar's New Role and Addressing Bots

Sylar introduced his new role at Splinterlands and discussed an agreement he reached with Dave Mccoy, which included a commitment to cease running battle helper services. Sylar also presented a service they have been working on to detect cheetahs and discussed the ongoing challenge of combating bots with Bjangles and Hepthorn. The team explored potential solutions such as implementing trickier rule sets and adding more interactive elements to the game. Bjangles raised concerns about Sylar's role and potential conflict of interest, while Hepthorn raised questions about data access and potential unfair advantages. Sylar acknowledged these concerns and suggested potential compromises.

Xbot Performance Boost and Modern Format

Sylar, Hepthorn, and Bjangles discussed the potential performance boost of using Xbot and the prevalence of bots in the Modern format. Sylar shared their experience of being unjustly banned from the Modern format after being flagged for running in the human-only format. The team also discussed possible consequences for users caught cheating, with Sylar proposing a 'freezing' of cards for repeat offenders. Lastly, the team deliberated on the potential benefits and drawbacks of making certain actions within their system more public, acknowledging that it would be a double-edged sword.

Advanced Game Design and Cheating Detection

Bjangles proposed an advanced game design approach to surpass bots. However, Sylar cautioned that developing an AI system, despite its potential advantages, would be financially and time-prohibitive for their small team. Despite this, Sylar shared progress on developing a cheating detection tool, highlighting the complexity of differentiating between regular and cheating players, especially with high-stakes players suspected of cheating. The team acknowledged the continuous process of refining the system and the potential implications of discovering cheating among significant game stakeholders.

Battle Helper Usage and Optimization Debate

Sylar, Bjangles, and Hepthorn discussed the potential uses and issues surrounding the use of a battle helper in their gaming context. They debated the need for paying for a battle helper and its potential for abuse, while also considering its potential as a learning tool. The discussion touched on the boundaries between using tools and cheating, with Bjangles suggesting a focus on consistent success over one-off victories, and Sylar emphasizing the value of optimizing play. The ambiguity of the term "battle helper" was also raised, with concerns about its interpretation and potential unintended consequences, leading to the proposal of a whitelist of approved tools.

Splinterlands Game Enhancements and Contractor Role

Sylar discussed the team's decision-making process, his role as a contractor for Splinter Lands, and his long-term aspirations. The team also explored potential enhancements for the Splinterlands game, such as the introduction of a new game mode, automation, and a sandbox mode. They considered the integration of a 'battle helper' or bot into the game, but warned about potential abuse and the need to balance its use. The team agreed to further explore these ideas, considering their potential impact on player experience and revenue generation.

Game Terms, Cards, and Ranked System Discussion

Bjangles, Hepthorn, and Sylar discussed issues related to their game's terms of service, card removal, and its impact on win rates. They considered the unintended consequences of removing lead caps on cards and the potential flaws in the bot forms and earnings. Sylar proposed increasing the volume of players and introducing match liquidity bots to balance the playing field, while Hepthorn suggested considering the reintroduction of lead caps and old card penalties. They also discussed the recent changes to the ranked system, with Bjangles expressing concerns about the new rating system's implementation, and Sylar appreciating the new system's leaderboard feature. Ultimately, they decided to wait and see how the situation unfolds, considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of their proposed solutions.

Team's Decision and Addressing Community Negativity

Bjangles, Hepthorn, and Sylar discussed the team's decision to continue with experiments despite community pushback. They debated the potential consequences of making company and account names public and the possibility of this information appearing on the blockchain. The team also addressed the negativity and dissatisfaction within the game's community, acknowledging the need for constructive criticism and learning from other projects. Lastly, they discussed a recurring proposal and an ongoing conversation about Grimbardun, although the details of this discussion were unclear.

Adjusting Stats and Managing Adjustments to Abilities

Bjangles led a discussion about adjusting stats and managing adjustments to abilities in a team setting, with opposing views on whether the team should have the flexibility to make such adjustments. The team also debated the necessity of adjustments in the game, particularly regarding the balance of cards, and whether changes should be made to individual cards or to the ability itself. Suggestions were made for more thorough testing and involving the gaming community for suggestions, while considering the potential conflict of interest. The team also discussed the trend of making cards stronger to sell better and the costs associated with having a few powerful cards in a set.

New Team Members and Game Improvements

Sylar was welcomed to the team by TPG and Bjangles shared his excitement about his new role and his journey with Xbot. The team discussed suggestions made to improve user engagement through the introduction of a sandbox mode and custom tournaments. The team also addressed an issue involving a former bot runner, expressing their belief that the situation was resolved and would not rekindle controversy.

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