#50 A Mangomayhem Conversation...A Splinterlands' Podcast

Greetings, Splinterlands!

We have just reached a wonderful milestone here at the People's Guild. Fifty podcasts, not out!

From humble beginnings, interviewing ourselves, to landing conversations with the founders of this wonderful ecosystem, Yabapmatt and Aggie.

But, I digress, I'm not here to names drop, I'm here to tell you about our most recent guest, Mangomayhem and the inspiring work he, LevelUpLifePH and TeamPH are doing for their local community in Calbayog City, Samar Province, in the Phillipines.

Mango's life adventure actually started in dear old London Town. His parents, both born and raised in the Philippines, moved to London in the 70s, and this is where Mango grew up. But, seven years ago he left the white cliffs of Dover to live permanently in his ancestral home, the Philippines.

Since the move, he has built up various businesses, most notably a bar named, The Mango Lounge & Estates, which was the first place ever to hold a live Splinterlands' tournament.

Now, with all this success and hard work, you wouldn't begrudge Mango if he chose to lie on the beach all day, smoking cubans and drinking shandies (a drink loved by the people from the south of England!).

Well, not Mango, this guy is cut from a different cloth, a 'Diamond Geezer' as we say back home in England.

Mango believes strongly in giving back to the community. And by this, I don't mean handouts, I mean teaching people skills and giving them the tools that will benefit themselves now and for the generations that will follow.

How to save a percentage of your earnings, and how to use Splinterlands as a way to earn passively, are just two ways TeamPh is doing this.

TeamPH have a mantra, coined by LevelUpLifePH, 'A kilo of rice a day', which they teach people to apply when they play Splinterlands. Rice is a staple for people in the Phillippines, and they can afford that kilo of rice by playing Splinterlands and using the SPS earned to help supplement their salaries.

It's a mantra that is easy for their community to understand, one that is achievable, and also one that Mango so eloquently explains in more detail during the podcast.

It was so refreshing to chat with Mango. Not one to mince his words, he speaks with passion, loves and cares about his community, and has an inner belief that inspires others. If he says something is going to happen, the clever money should be on it happening.

For so long, we have heard negativity from people who play the game, maybe their investments and are not working out as they planned or bots are taking over the game. Sometimes, Splinterlands can feel like people are just looking out for themselves, everyone pushing, shoving, and moaning along the way. Sometimes anyway, and probably even more so during this bear market.

But, after speaking to the likes of Mangomayhem and Damien Wolf, we here at the People's Guild have felt a connection within this game, an alignment of philosophy, that aligns with our own personal philosophies. And that's something we want to be a part of and embrace.

Team Philippines is doing everything it can to change the lives, for the better, of other people. It's not a personal thing, it's genuine, and it's been really inspiring to see.

TeamPH are making moves. If they were on the dance floor, the crowd would be forming a circle, clapping to the beat, and they'd be busting out *'helicopters', 'windmills' and finishing off with a 'halo freeze'! (The B-Boys and B-Girls know what I'm talking about, if not google those bad boys up and get ready to have your mind blown!)

So, just letting you all know that our podcast is now available on Youtube (Sorry 3Speak, but we have issues uploading our videos using Apple products!).

And, I'd just like to finish off by saying a big thank you to Mangomayhem for jumping on the podcast. He, LevelUpLifePH, and TeamPH have inspired us to make changes and I promise you that after hearing this podcast, and the passion Mango brings to his cause, you too will be inspired, or at least, take a step back and think about the direction you are taking in your life.

The People's Guild...Everyone's Welcome and The Dues Are Free


P.S. If you're interested in playing this wonderful game, click on the link below!

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Welcome to the People's Guild

We are @thewascalwabbits & @bjangles and we're pleased to present to you another episode of the People's Guild: A Splinterlands Podcast

We are always looking to hear personal journeys through Splinterlands. If you'd be keen to hop on the show and share yours with us, drop us a line and we'd love to have you on! Leave us a comment below or reach out to us via Twitter.

We drop new episodes every Thursday UTC, so don't forget to subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts!

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