THE MYLOR CROWLING IS UNBEATABLE_Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


As you know about me, I am a person who loves to experiment and someone who tries a lot of new monsters every time in his battles because I am a person who loves adventure and trying everything new, so I always look for the best plans, but this time and in the Earth quest I wanted to rely on an old summoner I love using it all the time and it's MYLOR CROWLING, it's a perfect summoner for me!

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I am one of the people who loves strategy games very much and Splinterlands today has become one of the best games for me around the world because it is a very big strategy game where you can borrow cards and great monsters and fight the best battles in them and make plans and experiment continuously so it is very necessary for me Share everything about this game on social media with my friends and always encourage them to start playing this great game, fight battles and enjoy it!

Since our talk and topic today is about MYLOR CROWLING let's talk a little bit about it, he is a wonderful summoner from the Earth team, and for me he is one of the best summoners in this great game, this summoner is suitable to be put in a lot of battles with great plans especially when the opponent team has Lots of attackers because this monster has a very great ability of thorns against the attackers!

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For all investors in the game Splinter Lands and love to collect cards in this game and buy and keep them as their own as NFT, they can buy this wonderful summoner and its price is very acceptable for its superpowers and the price of the first level of this monster is only 38$, it Really very cheap compared to the great work he does in battle and I encourage all investors and players to buy it directly.

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The max level of this monster, which is the sixth level, has a slightly different price and is much more expensive than the first level, which was 35$, and the price of the sixth level is around 1800$, this is a very big number for many players, but some investors also like to buy some cards and keep With it, I think that this monster is an opportunity for all investors and fans of Splinterlands to buy, whether the first level or the advanced levels.

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For all the players who don't like to buy and don't want to spend a lot of money on cards, I think rent would be a very great option for them because the rental price of this card is only 5 DEC per day, it's a very low number and it's a very cheap summon for super missions What it does, they can rent this summoner for very long periods and with small amounts of money, it will definitely be a great deal for them!

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In this summoner, I managed to win five consecutive battles and with very great plans, I faced 5 difficult opponents and the battles were all exciting, but because of the wonderful quality of the summoner and the great ability he possessed, most of the battles were easy for me, and now I will explain about these battles and I will explain about a battle impressed me!

The first battle was this battle, and although the opponent and I used exactly the same monsters, I managed to beat him because of the different summoner that I used, the thorns in my opinion are a very great ability, you can follow the battle through this link:

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The second battle was in front of a whole team of magicians, this battle required 30 mana cap and is considered one of the great battles, so I used a good monster in the front and has a superpower in front of magicians, which is "Void". I think this is the main reason that made things so easy for me. Lee, you can follow the battle through this link:

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The third battle was also a very easy battle because of the ability of the first monster, which is “Void”, this ability is really super against magicians because it splits the magician’s blow in half and also I managed to achieve victory because of the amazing ability of the thorns that helped me a lot in killing the opponent’s attacker, you can watch how It happened through this link:

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Things were a little different in the fourth battle, although I used the same wonderful striker and although the battle was easy, but here who helped me win is this wonderful monster "MYCELIC SLISPAWN" who was a very wonderful victim in front of the opponent's monsters and scattered the opponent's monsters and I was able to kill them very easily, you can follow the battle through this link:

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The fifth and last battle was also a very easy battle, in which I relied on three victims in the foreground to scatter the beast and take advantage of the ability of the thorns and used the same powerful beast in the last position, you can follow the battle through the link:

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In all the battles I used the same wonderful summoner, through these battles I concluded that this summoner with some good plans can be suitable for facing any team and most battles can be won by using it, and also in all battles I used a striker that I consider ideal in the land team And he's "UNICORN MUSTANG", it makes things a lot easier because he has a good heart, good speed, great kick and most importantly, it has an amazing "Void" ability against magicians.


Now I will talk about the battle that impressed me the most in this quest, although most of the battles I played were easy but the battle against the mages impressed me how the plan was so perfect.

How did it go during the rounds?


In the first round and before the start of the battle this was my team and the opponent's team, the opponent relied on this summoner "OBSIDIAN" which gives an extra hit to all the mages in the team and the opponent put 4 mages in his team.

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In the second round and after the end of the first round, I was close to killing the first monster in the opponent's team, but the opponent was not able to do any damage to my team because of the two wonderful monsters that support my monster with hearts whenever it is damaged.

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In the third round also, the opponent was not able to damage any monster in my team, but I managed to kill the first and main monster of the opponent and I was close to killing the second monster and things are now much easier.

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After the end of the third round and the beginning of the fourth round, everything was almost over because I managed to kill two more monsters from the opponent's team, and the opponent had only one monster, and the whole monsters remained in my team, and no monster died.

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Battle Analysis

How did I choose my team and what is the strategy?
I tried to choose the best plan and for this plan to be very parallel against any team I am facing, so I relied in my team on a very strong summoner against the attackers because of the ability of the wonderful thorns that he possesses, and as I spoke previously, I chose a wonderful monster in the front and this monster is one of its most important features that it has Void's ability and this ability is great in front of magicians and this was a major reason for achieving victory, I also put two victims in my team to protect monsters after them and in the end I put two amazing monsters that have the ability of Tank Heal, these monsters give hearts to the first monster in each round whenever it is damaged And this made my monster save his heart to the end.

How did it go in the battle?
Things went exactly as I planned, so even though I never used the summoner's ability, the "Void" ability of the first monster that I put against the mages and the "Tank Hill" ability of the two back monsters made things very easy for me.

My opinion of the summoner
I think that this summoner is really super, he helped me in almost all the battles I played and very much in front of the attackers, I always tried to rely on the best plans to make the battles look easy, but I can be honest with you, this summoner will be much better if you use it when you expect that the opponent will put a lot of attackers in his team.

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I really hope that this is useful and not boring for you, I also hope that it is fun and exciting for you, leave me your opinions in the comments and thank you for your time to read!

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