Investing in Splinterlands Day 9 : Adding another $1000 in assets in Land and Totem

Had a streak of down days so I added some more funds and a few different stakes. Overall I added $1000 to the pool so the new invested amount is $5500.

What did I add? I had to get land and a totem for it. I think land will be very popular once the ability to mint your own spells and items becomes available! Really wanted to jump in now while I am still able to afford it.

Also added a bunch of SPS. I had it unstaked in another account so I transferred it over. SPS may decrease over the short term as more gets printed, however, in the long term I'm bullish on it as there is a fixed supply.

Finally added a few more cards to the mix. Little by little I want to flesh out my collection using DEC I get from selling vouchers.

Here the numbers for today :

353,000 DEC ........$ 3,845 ... DEC finally had a positive day!
.. 1266 SPS ........$ 738 ... and SPS had a good day too!
33.54 Hive ....... $ 35.44
1 Plot ........... $ 724
1 Rare Totem ..... $ 326

Cards Owned : $103 .......... Purchased for : $ 106

Total : $5776 ....... Invested: $5500

Finally I'm up again. At the moment 4.9%

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