Season 3: Curation Account & Diamond / Champion Deck Update


As we have just finished our 3rd Season with the Chaos Legion Diamond / Champion League Deck, accompanied by our Curation Account, I am happy to report that we are on a Positive Upward Trend. This is due to:

  1. Our Scholar being more familiar with the available cards and has adapted his gameplay
  2. Team Curation Account has improved its Reputation and HP, our upvote currently values at 0.41usd.
  3. Curation Account has moved some of its earnings into LP (TEAMPH:SPS & THGAMING:PIMP)
  4. Guild has moved into Tier 3 Brawls
  5. Our Curation Account receives tokens for upvoting (THGaming and PIMP) this is due to the delegation of Tokens.


@damienwolf managed to obtain 864.117 SPS and 2 Chaos Packs. He had some decent SPS rewards from the Chests and participated in the Tier 3 Brawls. With this we managed to secure the following pay out. It was the equivalent of 25.40USD.




Each of our Top 10 Staked TeamPH Token Holders were awarded 33 SPS, all have been sent out to the appropriate accounts listed above.


From our Curation meeting that took place on Tuesday 25th April 2023, it was decided that we would start to put our Tokens obtained from other Tribes into liquidity pools, this would assist to generate additional revenue for the organization through providing support as liquidity is king. We as a Community decided that we would get involved with the TEAMPH:SPS and THGAMING:PIMP pools. We would utilize the daily earnings from our Upvoting being paired as well as giving love to our own Token paired with the dividend payout from the EOS.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, should you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate as to comment below or join our discord on

Until next time, this is @mangomayhem signing out, ciao for now, I look forward to seeing you on the Battlefield!

MangoMayhem by DamienWolf.png

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