Make Quora Great Again

With less than 24 hours left in the season, I finally made it into Champion 1, after being so close so, SO many times. I don't get why I suck so much at getting streaks. I barely string a couple wins together and have to muscle my way in every bloody season - It is friggen' tiring!


While I see people in the top 50 I beat sometimes at least with streaks of 10 or 20+, Here I am with a maximum of 6 - and that is rare through the season. I don't have the best set of cards to be playing up at this level perhaps, but still, I wish it was at least sometimes a bit easier - just to make me feel like I don't completely suck. So many of my streak hurdles came at the hands of bots too...



But, I am there now and will start the next season with about a half full charge of energy, but will likely wait a day or so before I start the "campaign" to get slaughtered once again. This season, I got closer to a 50% win record, but still fell short unfortunately.



One good thing to happen however, was opening some Gladiator packs and getting a Quora. I have been waiting for a long, long time (in my head) to get just one more, so now I have a Level-3 - Which comes with Immunity, meaning that it can't be Poisoned, Knocked Out, Crippled etc, which makes it much more useful again. It used to be a beast with Llama, but with so many ways to disable her, she became close to useless.

Will Immunity MQGA?

Make Quora Great Again.

I hope so, because the next useful step in her upgrade pack is two levels away, where she would get Dispel, which clears all positive effects on a monster. However, that is 22 more cards away, which is over double what I currently have received in over a year of brawling. Though, I have heard some people struggle to get one at all.


Of course, it is still prone to getting Giant Killed.
Which is what happened in my first time playing it. To be fair though, it was a rush input for a tournament and I threw the team together with the laziest setup imaginable.

Sometimes being lazy is enough.

Though, rarely for me.

I guess everyone feels this way, but sometimes I do get the sense that I have to work a little bit harder than a lot of people to get some success and, I tend not to be as lucky overall. Some people just seem to fall on their feet, no matter what they do - it always works out in their favor.

I was thinking about this a little in terms of Splinterlands recently, because I feel that a lot of the battles with a chance of random, don't go my way. Poison or Affliction don't get laid often or soon enough, scattershot consistently hits the one monster it shouldn't, and miss, after miss, after miss.

You know what I am talking about?

It would be interesting to see the statistics over a long period of time comparing all of the statistics on individual accounts to see who is luckiest and unluckiest. I suspect that there would actually be a difference, just because life tends to work that way - even if random. I also wonder if it is possible to "blacklist" or "whitelist" an account and reduce or increase the percentage of luck it gets.

Card drops and chests too?

I am not saying this is happening, but I just find it interesting, considering it is a digital game and all and very possible to do in the code. It might be an interesting anti-bot measure, where if a bot is identified, it is percentage buffed :D

I am guessing that proposal wouldn't go through.

Right, 17 hours left until it all starts again, but before that, I will have some EOS chests to open.

Probably a few more potions.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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