Half the Fun

Rich lists are funny things in crypto, as they don't really mean that much, depending on the token of the list. For instance, I am the 73rd account on Hive in terms of HIVE POWER, and 135th on Splinterlands in terms of SPS. But, that is quite different to be top 100 holder in something like Bitcoin, isn't it?


But, I have been told to celebrate the small milestones.


Does writing a post count as a celebration?

9,665.75 USD

That is the current value of a million SPS - which is probably less than I paid for about half as much. But, you know, this crypto thing is about long term bleeding of value down until it is all worth nothing. Similar with HIVE.

I crypto good.

While I sound bitter and disappointed, that is only part of the story, because I am also disgruntled.

I jest.

For most crypto projects, it is very easy to keep people excited when times are good and there is plenty of value flowing into wallets, but they all struggle when times are not so good and the longer the bad times stretch, the more people will capitulate. I haven't really ever done that, as I seem to be from crypto to the grave.

No retreat, no surrender.

SPS is now riding under a cent, well below where the original SPS investors were bought in at (0.025?) and likely to fall still, as changes are made to the game play that will likely result in more selloffs of all kinds of assets. How low it will go, is anybody's guess, but I guess that is okay, as the lower it goes, the faster it can rise by percentage.

Crypto logic.

As said above, I am trying to be more attentive and proactive in identifying and "celebrating" milestones. Normally I just move on, looking to the next thing on the list to do, and this leads to possibly not getting enough value out of what has been done, which provides less motivation for what is left to do. I already have trouble with motivation, so it is worth accounting for.

Last week, my wife got certified in some recruitment tool, and while it isn't such a big deal, I decided to celebrate it with a brunch as a family. It was nice to do something that we might have done otherwise for no reason, but to actually have a reason for it. I think my wife appreciated it also. And well, Smallsteps just likes to eat - whatever the occasion.

As we get older, we both collect a lot of experience, and also, a lot of injuries to our body, mind and spirit. Combined with added responsibility and obligation, it might be this that steals some of the "fun" out of us. I used to be a lot more fun, so I think that I will start recapturing some of that side of me, play more, care less.

This doesn't mean not to take things seriously.

I believe that the things that we do in our life are very, very serious indeed, because that is the time we have to make an impact. However, that doesn't mean that they need be humorless. But, my "funny" tends not to be to everyone's taste, because I am quite cynical and dark in my humor. Still, as long as I enjoy myself, right?

If I spend all my time trying to maximize the value of my crypto, I will miss out on a lot of why I enjoy crypto in the first place. It is a way to interact in a community, to be part of something that has meaning, to change aspects of our world that are broken beyond repair, and provide new mechanisms to organize ourselves. We shouldn't forget this, otherwise crypto just becomes another tool for fiat, for government, for corporation.

Where's the fun in that?

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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