Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Six Strong Years and Counting

I can still remember the day that I found this game almost 4 years ago. Payment thru Gcash for purchase of Spell book was still accepted during that time, and playing on the phone is as fun as when you are using PC . During this time I was not really exposed on this thing called NFT games, so finding about this made excited.

Every day we open chest for some potion, Dec or Rewards cards. The untamed rewards cards were almost out of print when I entered the game. So when the new set of reward cards were introduced, we played daily to get the new cards to make our decks stronger.

Also during that time the Djinn Oshannus , Venari Wavesmith and Alric Stormbringer combo was very popular. So getting them on the reward chest would make your day for sure. They were selling very fast and they are not cheap.

Another thing that I remember is participating in promo cards acquisition, during my stay in the game I participated in the release of Lux Vega and Runi. A lot of emotion were felt during the release of this cards. This cards are very limited so people wanted to get their hands on this cards on release date. Vouchers and Dec on the market is through the roof. I want to feel that excitement again.

Today , I still have one of this cards , still actively helping me win battles.

At present we now have another set of reward cards, and they are not a joke, they are game changing. Though we cannot sell them for a big pay out specially when getting those LGF. But as for their use case in the game they are very powerful.

The printing is still on it's way and I hope I complete my set before they end the printing. My goal now is to just accumulate and make my collection stronger and be more competitive in the game.

We all sure a have a lot of good memories with this game, and we hope the glory days of the game will come back. I know the developers are working around the clock to make the game better. So we just have to wait and hope for the best.

Again Happy Anniversary Splinterlands.
Cheers to more years of fun and earnings.

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Join Splinterlands using my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=suteru



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