Thoughts On The Secret of Praetoria

Come tomorrow we will be in just one week of the land expansion of the hive blockchain game called Splinterlands and so far we have seen the price of SPS the governance token for Splinterlands rise over 100% in the last 8 months much of which just took place this week alone.

Here's the crazy thing, we are already seeing demand and a uptick in SPS price and land is only just getting started. In the current state of it land can only produce SPS, Grain and Research outside of that the only thing you can do is continue to open up your plots to get them ready.

Now add in 47 new resources to land can you just imagine what that could do to the price of SPS and just the price of everything?

I'm speculating of course when I say I believe we will see a $0.10 SPS by year end and in 2024 if the bull run holds or at least hopes are high I could see us returning to $0.50+ SPS again as more players jump in, land becomes more demanding and guilds and battling become important aspects as well.

What's To Come

Today we got a little sneak peak into what the future of land will look like. You can read the small snippet announcement at Land Phase 2 Overview Part 1 of which the biggest takeaway is this graphic.

I'm actully very very happy to see this and almost hope a nice pretty UX/UI design is made that outlines production lines to players. A graphic like this is huge when it comes to understanding what to produce, focus on etc.

In the breakdown we can start to map out and plan in our heads how much land we have and what we are actully going to be able to produce and speculate if land plots with have an effect on anything or not. It's been said that your general every day plots that are not magic, keep, castles or occupied will be able to build any of the other buildings with no negative effects. For example building a wood camp on a barren dessert compared to a forest would still yield the same numbers of resources created with the same PP value cards.

This is actully a good thing as breaking it down too much will most likely cause breaks in production lines. If you only have a few plots you're going to be wanting to produce grain for yourself most likely otherwise you will be at the whim of buying it on the markets.

That might not be a bad thing later on in the game as land produces an over abundance of grain but it could be this early in the game.

Starting From The Top

This section here to me is one of the three critical areas of this graphic to focus on. The biggest being Elixir which is a resource that will be used in a laboratory which then pretty much filters into the other half of the resources. A mill to create elemental foods, a Lithification Site to create Elemental stones and the big one the end game of land to produce items and spells for the game itself.

Section 2 The Raw Resources

The next section is where we start running into some real production. These are going to be the production builds most are after at first. To massively create the raw resources that will be needed to be refined.

Right now everyone is hitting the first hard Farms which produce the grain which feeds the workers on other plots of land. Grain is going to be critical to simply running everything. You really don't want to be without it.

A Laboratory we went over above which needs some critical parts to run.

A quarry for stone cutting which will be used to create elemental stones of which I'm not sure what that will do at the moment.

A logging camp to produce wood which will be used in a vast number of places from a sawmill to create lumber which will then be used to build buildings, maintain buildings and upgrades and also filter into the ancient ruins reconstruction project. So wood and lumber are going to be huge and you can almost look at it as the possible second mass resource you want to produce as there will be a constant expense in terms of maintenance on the buildings like we see with grain and workers. Plus those buildings seem like they are going to be able to be upgraded and produce even more resources and be more efficient for doing so.

A foundry to produce metal bars which it's unclear what they will do after.

Castle/Keep dang I'm glad I aped in and picked up a keep when I could and held on to it. This is the only building type that produces trifoil runes which seems like they are going to be critical to producing a unique resource called research which feeds into the Ancient Ruins reconstruction project.

This project has two main productions and then a nice bonus. It feeds into the secret of praetoria, totem fragments and gemstones. Right now we are seeing research for secret of praetoria and totem fragments but gem stones would be the new addition here. These produce into Polished gemstones which will feed into end items and spells for the game.

We also at the bottom have a reason as to why you would want to join and guild and be active in it. As it will mine mana crystals which will also be used for end item and spell production.

And last but not least potions to the left of which looks like we will get enhanced potions which might open up better chances to get gold foil cards and legendary cards. Of course that's just speculation as well but kind of adds up to make sense.

There you have it the next phases for Land.

I don't think we will see any big changes to land come tomorrows update instead the focus will be on the release of rebellion and all the cool new features that come with it. I'll be sure to drop a post about that. Let me just say if you're into air drop cards your going to want to start picking up packs and also have vouchers on hand.

Side reminder all earnings from this post will be used to buy assets in Splinterlands.

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