Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - March 6th, 2023!

Town Hall Summary

  • Team Members:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder & CEO)
    • Cryptomancer (Developer)
    • Nate (Creative Director)
    • WeirdBeard (Esports Manager)
    • Investygator (OPS Product Owner / Software Developer)
    • r0n d0n (Splinterlands TV)
  • Special Guests:
    • Tyler (NFTy Arcade)
    • Dave McCoy (Community leader)
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 00:35 - Team Introduction
    • 05:00 - Tyler
    • 16:45 - Dave McCoy
    • 33:25 - Investygator
    • 38:40 - Cryptomancer
    • 45:10 - WeirdBeard
    • 57:35 - R0nd0n
    • 1:07:50 - Nate
    • 1:33:35 - Q&A


đź’Ą Company Updates đź’Ą

Words from Wizards - Aggy

  • First Agile quarter almost finished
  • 5 sprints
  • Next week is our planning session for the next 5 sprints
  • Updated Roadmap coming up

Tyler from NFTy Arcade

  • Platform for reward shares
  • Lenders can put decks up for rent
  • Bots
    • Had an algorithm to catch bots but there were bots that they missed
    • They have since banned the 23 exploiters from the platform
    • Enhanced detection algorithms implemented
    • The community helped tremendously
  • Created a mechanism for asset owners to see the value of their assets and what they earn over time
  • Cards are at a high since November
  • Onboarding
    • Ability to onboard groups of people into the ecosystem
    • Key next step - relationships with guilds
    • Getting players into the game and converting 1-10% into paying customers
    • Signed partnerships

Dave McCoy - Community leader

  • New Proposal
  • Spending of sps to get exchange listings
  • Old proposal didn't pass
  • Figured out what the issues were and reworked
  • New proposal is 30 million SPS to have a better shot of getting listed on Binance
  • Worked on a way to pay it back by implementing more mini editions
  • Will come out Tuesday
  • AMA for the proposal
  • Early voting
  • Splinterlands website for formal voting

Words from Wizards/Tuesday Release Update: InvestyGator

Market Listing Fees & Expiration

  • Market items will now expire after 30 days. For rentals, they will only expire if they are not rented out for a period of 30 days.

  • Listing a card for sale or rent will now cost a 1 DEC or Credit fee. Changing the price on a market item will also incur this same fee.

    • Sets of items will only cost 1 DEC or Credit to list or update.

    • Listing or updating multiple items will cost 1 DEC or Credit per market entry being updated.

  • For third party developers, any operations to list items for sale or update prices will need to include a “list_fee_token” and “list_fee” value. The list_fee should be a numeric value that is the number of market items being impacted, while the list fee token should be “DEC” or “CREDITS” respectively.

Tech Modernization

  • Fixed an issue on mobile devices where you could not drag and drop packs to open them on the Mana Well.

  • Fixed an issue where a link to External Wallets was available for free-to-play, non-Hive, accounts.

General Updates

  • Fixed an issue where the Season Rental days would incorrectly round down the number of days remaining if there was less than 12 hours left in a day. It will now always round up the calculated days until end of season.

  • Added functionality to distribute Chaos Legion packs from a secondary account when the store is sold out, to meet the passed Proposal where we pulled some packs from the store to continue having a reward supply.

  • When packs run out, if a Pack would have been awarded and none are available, it will now use reward card(s) instead of a DEC amount as previous releases.

  • Fixed an issue where the Divine Shield icon would not display immediately after a monster with that ability was resurrected.

  • Fixed the display of the renter name on the card info:

  • Important Note for Third Party developers: typing validation was added to most Market transactions. Where previously we would often accept a string of “100” as a numeric 100 for say a price, it will now instead reject the transaction as being invalid.

Items Hotfixed into the Game Prior to the Release

  • Fixed “rental_type” not showing up on the market\active_rentals API results.

  • Fixed an issue with updating the price causing issues with rentals, by incorrectly clearing the “rental_type” value from our cached market data.

  • Added filtering by “rental_type” to the market\for_rent_by_card API.

  • Fixed an issue with the SPS reward calculation for accounts that had never claimed before.

  • Fixed some issues with Mana Well display at certain screen resolutions.

  • Fixed the link on Mana Well for Gladiator packs, so it properly directs you to the Guild store.

  • Fixed an incorrect link of where to purchase Dice packs on the Hive Engine market.

Words from Wizards - Cryptomancer

  • In between major projects
  • Tournament improvements
  • Visible changes to streamer mode
  • Tournament creators can have packs put into escrow as tournament prizes
  • Next major project
    • Features for guilds
    • Guild buildings

Brawlhalla with Weirdbeard

  • New Player experience
    • Progress internally
    • Scripted battles and tutorials
    • A variety of sources for new players to learn the game
  • Working through the backlog of what the community wants
  • Card packs as prizing in tournaments
  • New Game modes - working on ideas
  • Ag has Beta packs that he could award to the community
  • New guild building idea - guild treasury
  • Owned Gladiator card tournament - Friday at 3pm

Splinterlands TV:

  • Clip of the Week
  • Townhall shoutouts:
    • ucliffiel
    • BruceGryllisGaming
    • solving_chaos
    • delta10310
    • JabeeSaints
    • bladesinner
    • bobcarj
    • syel13
    • hezakarew1
    • diamondsnotdaymonds
    • matagar_00
    • kraymundray
    • mhowiithescanner
    • PrimeRogueInc

Monster March is here! We're giving you more chances to win and bigger prizes. Each streamer will be handing out up to 5 cards per stream, and each winner will have a chance at some incredible cards, including Legendary summoners, Alpha/Beta cards, and even a Gold Foil Scarred Llama Mage! There's going to be a healthy mix of gold cards included as well, so make sure you tune in to win on SplinterlandsTV in March!

Creative with Nate

  • New Player Experience
    • On the roadmap for this year
    • Major developments had to be implemented first
  • Land 1.0
    • Basic UI has been handed off to engineering
    • On track for the end of the month
  • Land 1.5
    • Card staking and land functioning
    • Intended to give utility and functionality


SPS Promo character - Vruz

Survey boosts page


🔥 Support Tutorial 🔥

How Do I Vote On SPS Governance Proposals?

  • Read the Support article above to better understand how to vote on the SPS Governance proposals
  • Access proposals on the SPS Proposal Page


Past Town Hall Summaries


Next Town Hall - Monday, March 13th, 10AM Eastern (3PM UTC)

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