Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - April 13th, 2022 - 10AM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (Co-Founder)
    • Chatter (Director of Growth)
    • WeirdBeard (ESports Manager)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Gavin (EarnKeeper Founder)
    • InvestYGator (Developer)
    • Doogie (VP of Project Management)
    • Alonso (Support)
  • Main Topics:
    • Company Updates ⚡️
    • Eye Candy 👀
    • Q&A 💥
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 00:15 - General Intro
    • 03:30 - Gavin Intro (EarnKeeper Founder)
    • 17:00 - InvestYGator Intro/Update (Development)
    • 28:15 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 35:00 - WeirdBeard Update (Tournaments)
    • 41:25 - Doogie Update (Project Management)
    • 47:15 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 1:17:05 - Alonso (Support)
    • 1:23:50 - Q&A
    • 1:52:45 - Closing Remarks


💥 Company Updates 💥

Development Updates:

  • Ranked Rewards
    • Goal is to have this released early next month
    • Want to motivate players to play more
      • Daily quests are going away and will be replaced with Focus Points
      • The more you play and win, the more chests you will be able to achieve
      • There will be diminishing returns so players can't farm new rewards
    • Will include 10-12 new reward cards with the launch
  • SPS Validators
    • Should have a post released around end of this week with information on SPS Validators
  • Next Release is scheduled for April 19th
  • Still new developers being onboarded and being ramped up

Marketing Updates:

  • Looking to kick-off partnerships with a few companies soon
    • One company is an AI company
  • Still helping onboard and guilds
  • Snapchat ads should be starting soon
    • Google & Facebook have been causing painpoints due to crypto regulations
    • In process of these companies manually approving ads
  • Security team is working on completely removing all the fake ads you may see on Google
  • Stream TV has officially kicked off
    • Bulldog is doing the Learn To Play stream every Friday
    • Goal is to have a 24/7 stream going
  • Looking to test influencer/streamers in the coming weeks
    • In talks with multiple talent management companies

Creative Team Updates:

  • Highest priority for Creative team is Ranked Rewards
    • Will have phase releases meaning that MVP will be Phase 1
    • Team will continue to build on top of Phase 1 and enhance with additional phases
    • Phase 1 will probably have as few of UI/UX changes as possible
    • Phase 2+ will be new animations and graphics

Tournament/ESports Updates:

  • Team is trying to leverage tournaments to target new communities and streamers
  • New tournaments will have a new naming convention that will coorelate with the Lore
  • Looking to create one-off big tournaments to bring in new partners
    • Would be same partners as what you see in other ESport platforms

General Team Updates:

  • Next weeks Townhall will probably be heavy on SPS Validators
  • Please be patient with the team as they are aware of all current issues but it takes time to put out new enhancements and features
    • There are a ton of things being worked on in the background
    • Team does use community feedback to know what needs to be worked on, it just can't be done instantly


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️

SPS Validators:

  • Will most likely need a VPS or physical rig to host the server
  • Hybrid model between Bitcoin & Hive model
    • Bitcoin model allows anyone with a license to run a Node
    • Hive model allows a certain number of top "witnesses/validators" to run Nodes

Chaos Legion Legendary Summoners:

  • Team has been making good progress on the Chaos Legion Legendary Summoners
  • May have some leaks in the next Townhall or next one after that


  • Nate wants hundreds of different designs for Land assets to choose from
  • The initial land developments that are being made are with the platform modernizations
    • Also the non-card market is a pre-cursor to the Land release and being worked on currently as well


  • Narrative team is designing a Wiki to aggregate all the Lore
  • Also want to release a Lore book eventually

Rift Watchers / Rebellion:

  • Early enough in the process to be months down the road
  • Only the designing stages are being started on
    • No development resources are being used on these projects
  • Rift Watchers will be released during the Chaos Legion sale
  • Rebellion won't be released until after Chaos Legion sells out



Modern League Badges

Lava Launcher Attack Animation

Dhampir Infiltrator


Recent Announcements

Daughter - Tome of Chaos Story

  • Extra long story this week as Joaken and Kiara Lightbringer continue their journey


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, April 18th, 1PM Eastern (6PM UTC)

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