Descent - Tome of Chaos Story

The Abyssal Canyon cracked open the badlands, interrupting the endless dusty ground with a scar of black. From a distance, it blended in with the landscape, a flat line on the horizon. Here, though, with her toes at the edge, Fiafia became very aware of how deep it was. The rays of the sun only just touched the borders of the canyon. The rest fell into shadow as far as the eye could see.

Delya heaved a sigh, standing near her with crossed arms. “That’s quite the climb we have before us. A fall would mean death.”

“Any deaths would be an honorable sacrifice if it meant stopping the Chaos Legion,” the deep voice of Riklauniman rumbled as he stepped up behind them. “We take this journey knowing what could happen.”

Fiafia lifted her chin, still staring into the darkness of the canyon. “I am not afraid.”

One of King Wilhelm’s rangers, a woman that called herself Hidana, glanced over at them from where she uncoiled rope nearby. “You should be afraid. You are very young to be in such a difficult position. When I was your age, I thought I was immortal, too.” She chuckled.

Fiafia only offered narrowed eyes in response. Yes, she was only sixteen-years-old, but she had spent her formative years growing up on a pirate ship alongside her father. She had learned how to fight, how to survive, and how to read terrain. Since the Chaos invasion, she’d even learned to get used to death and destruction. Perhaps the only thing she hadn’t learned to do was to let go. Her father had been sent to prison for piracy, but she still saw him every night in her dreams.

Trust yourself, he would tell her over and over. Your instincts know what to do.

“Are we ready, rangers?” Riklauniman called over his shoulder to his group. He received several affirmations, and the griffins that accompanied them scratched the ground in response.

“Are all of you ready?” Bera Dallin asked. “Joaken?”

Fiafia glanced over at the group she’d traveled with for over a month now. Bera Dallin, River Hellondale, Delya of the Xenith Scale, and Joaken the Efreet with his great bird. They’d traveled from central Praetoria, over the mountains, through jungles and swamps, and across the Drybone Badlands. Now, at last, they were at the final stretch of their journey.

“Yes,” Joaken responded, his flames flickering in the hot wind. “Our goal lies before us. The ancient elemental temple and a way to save our land.”

Bera nodded firmly and looked at Riklauniman. “My group is ready. Let’s get going.”

It was a relief stepping out of the hot sun and into the shadow of the canyon. A small path slithered down along the wall, the edges crumbled and dangerous. Their large party moved in a singular line. While the canyon was still wide enough, a few of them rode on their flying mounts. Fiafia could see further down, however, that the canyon narrowed. They would not be able to fly for very long.

Fiafia shuffled her boots carefully, trailing one hand along the wall. She was not afraid of heights. Years of climbing the rigging on her father’s ship had ensured that. In front of her, Delya moved lightly and confidently.

“I didn’t expect a path here,” Fiafia said to her friend. “I thought this temple had been lost to the ages.”

“The temple is unknown,” Delya replied, “but these badlands aren’t uninhabited. Raiders live here, they probably have attempted to find the bottom of this canyon over the years. No one has found how deep it goes, or at least no one has lived to tell the tale.”

A wry smile pulled at Fiafia’s lips. “Is that what they taught you in your Xenith Scale temple?”

“Despite what the monks might claim, I did pay attention during the Praetoria geography discussions.”

They both shared a chuckle as they trekked further and further down. Hours passed. Only light conversation broke the silence of the canyon. Fiafia could hear Bera, Joaken, and Riklauniman compare notes about the Chaos Legion’s invasion across the Splinterlands. It was all disheartening. The adolescent attempted to tune it out and focus on the path ahead.

Suddenly, the path ended in a sheer drop. The group stopped and investigated the area, discussing options for their descent.

“We have climbing gear,” Fiafia suggested. “If we find good anchor points we can descend.”

“I don’t know,” Hidana replied, “it’s still wide enough here for the griffins. I think we should take them down as far as we can. There must be another ledge further down.”

“The griffons can’t carry everyone at once,” Bera cautioned.

“We’d have to make a few trips,” Hidana conceded, inclining her head.

Fiafia frowned, surveying the dark of the Abyssal Canyon. Already many lanterns were lit. Soon they would lose all sunlight and truly be in the dark.

“I don’t think we should split up the crew,” Fiafia stated. She realized those were her father’s words coming from her mouth. His crew was like his family. They even called him by his first name, Captain Maleko, rather than Captain Haoa.

“It’s alright, kid,” Hidana grinned, “we’ve got this handled. Trips on the griffins are the best route there.”

“I agree,” Riklauniman nodded. “Let’s get started.”

Fiafia huffed, leaning back against the wall as this operation was organized. Bera and Joaken both worked closely with Riklauniman and his rangers, discussing logistics. River drifted over to her, his angular elven face tired but smiling.

“Do not let others’ opinions bother you,” River said softly to her. “Everyone comes from a different background, after all. We all see life uniquely.”

Fiafia heaved a heavy sigh, pulling her tri-cornered hat further down on her head. “Yes, yes, they are important rangers in service of a king. I am just a pirate’s daughter. What do I know?”

Delya chuckled at the sarcasm.

River placed a comforting hand on Fiafia’s shoulders. “I have found that actions speak louder than anything else.”

“River!” Bera called, “Could you come help with this?”

The elf offered Fiafia another warm smile before heading to help his friend.

It took another two hours for the griffins to ferry everyone from this ledge to another a mile down. Going was slow due to the treacherous canyon, and a few times Fiafia was certain she heard a strange scuttling echo from further down in the darkness. With all the commotion from the large group, though, she couldn’t be certain.

Trust yourself. Her father’s voice rang in her head. Your instincts know what to do.

When they all reached this new outcropping further down in the canyon, they left the flying mounts behind as the canyon was too narrow for them to traverse further. It was truly dark this deep. Only their lantern light provided any depth to the space. Their shadows danced along the walls. A few of their company complained about vertigo from being unable to get their bearings in this large space.

I’m used to this type of dark, Fiafia thought.

While sailing the ocean at night, the sea and sky became one, and it was entirely dark. It had frightened her as a little girl, but she had gotten used to it and learned to rely on her other senses.

The group carried on, walking carefully along this new, natural path. Fiafia followed the line of lights, keeping her balance on the uneven ground. It did not take long before their lanterns brought into view a gaping hole in the canyon’s wall. It yawned open like a great, dark maw, burrowing deep into the rock. Swearing from some of the rangers accompanied this discovery.

“What is it from?” Bera questioned.

Riklauniman shrugged one shoulder. “Who can say what lives down here? It burrows, you can tell by the way the rock is pushed outward.”

Delya’s brow furrowed, and she leaned close to Fiafia. “I don’t like the look of this. Whatever made it is huge.”

Anxiety passed over Fiafia, speeding up her heart rate, as she glanced further along the canyon walls. The flickering light revealed more and more of these holes, scattered around and below them.

“They’re everywhere!” Hidana exclaimed.

Riklauniman turned to address the group, holding his light higher so everyone could clearly see him. “Let’s use extra caution. We don’t want to disturb any creature that might still be around. It’s the end of the line here, as well, we have no other choice. It's time to bring out the climbing gear.”

With pitons and thick coils of rope, climbing lines were secured to the walls. Hooking lanterns to their belts, the group got onto the ropes to make the long descent. The ropes vanished into utter darkness. All the group could do was hope that it wasn’t much further.

Fiafia expertly wound the rope around her body, securing herself before starting down. Beside her, Delya grinned.

“You look like you know what you’re doing. Did you use to climb rigging?” Delya asked.

“All the time,” Fiafia chuckled.

She slowly worked her way down. The group was spread all around like spiders along a wall. Fiafia slid past one of the enormous holes, feeling small by comparison as she stared down it and only into blackness. In this large space, only the lights of a handful of lanterns gave them any bearing. Fiafia did not have her own lantern, so she relied instead on her hearing and touch; the sounds of her companions breathing and grunting, the creak of the ropes, the tremors along the canyon wall.

As Fiafia’s boots pressed against the rock, she felt a stronger tremor. Frowning, she steadied herself, placing her feet fully on the rock to feel as much as she could. The tremor came from slightly to the left. It grew in intensity.

She looked over, dark hair tumbling over her shoulder, to see the ranger Hidana passing before one of the large burrow holes. Realizing what was about to happen, Fiafia gasped and shoved herself violently off the wall, swinging with her rope. She reached out and grasped Hidana’s rope, yanking her back just as a multi-legged creature burst out of the hole and snapped at her.

“Shit!” Hidana exclaimed, slipping slightly on the rope from the sudden movement but quickly regaining her footing. Her eyes snapped wide as she saw what had emerged.

It was a massive centipede. Its pincers arced upward, catching the light of their lanterns. Its many legs flailed through the air as it extended at least twenty feet out from the canyon wall. Its entry sent debris falling from the holes, pelting climbers below. In the darkness Fiafia heard a man’s scream sound out before it faded. Someone had fallen.

An arrow fired upward from Riklauniman, striking the centipede in the head. It recoiled, but it was still alive. The canyon walls rumbled stronger; more creatures were coming.

“Go, now!” Riklauniman shouted.

Fiafia scrambled downward along with the others. Her boots slipped on the rock, but she reclaimed control, allowing the rope to slide around her forearms. It burned her skin, but she barely noticed.

More massive centipedes burst from the holes, wriggling out into the air to snatch their victims. The group fought back even as they kept descending. Riklauniman’s rangers used swords and bow and arrows, pelting the horrible creatures with assault after assault. One centipede got its pincers around Bera Dallin, but she thrust her sword deep into its head, greenish ichor splattering across her. Wrenching herself free, she dropped down further. Fiafia could hear splashes from River’s water magic, and blasts of Joaken’s fire occasionally lit up the canyon. When that happened, she had a brief clear view around her of the group rushing down the walls, fighting for their lives, and layers and layers of multiple legs squirming in the air.

A centipede burst from its hole beneath Fiafia, its pincers cutting through the rope of one of the rangers who fell screaming. It twisted around to look up at the pirate’s daughter.

“I’ve got this one!” Delya announced.

She twisted around her own rope, bracing her legs, and drew her bow and arrow in one fluid motion. She fired an arrow down straight into the creature’s eyes. It shrieked in pain and slithered back into its hole.

“Good shot!” Fiafia called up to her friend.

Delya flashed a white smile in response before another centipede erupted from a hole above them, biting onto Delya’s rope. It yanked upward, heaving the rope and its prey into its hole. Delya fired off another shot, but as her rope was thrashed from side to side, the arrow missed its mark. Gritting her teeth, she pulled out another arrow and took aim. The centipede clawed at the edges of its burrow, cracking the rock and sending debris down. Delya rolled out of the way and fired her arrow. It sunk through the centipede’s jaw just as a falling rock cracked her on the head. The archer’s body went limp, and she fell.

“Delya!” Fiafia screamed, reaching out for her.

Fiafia’s fingertips brushed Delya’s shirt as Delya tumbled past her. A few yards below one of the rangers lunged for her but missed, as well.

Fiafia immediately loosened her grip on her rope, sliding down after her friend at breakneck speed. She passed spots of lantern light, shadows of her companions driving back the centipedes successfully, past Bera’s shocked face as the dwarven leader realized what was happening. Still, Delya was out of reach and falling further and further away. Delya’s rope was tangled around her, keeping her from dropping too quickly, but soon she would reach the end of the rope, and Fiafia would be unable to save her in time.

Fiafia looked below her. It was so dark, but barely in the light she could make out one of the extra long climbing ropes swaying back and forth, in and out of the shadows. If she lept, she could try to grab Delya and the rope, saving both of their lives.

I can’t, she thought, eyes burning with tears. It’s too dark. I can barely see.

Delya was almost out of her vision, wrapped in shadow, the last of her security rope falling away.

Trust yourself, her father’s voice sounded in her mind.

Fiafia focused on her falling friend and on the swinging rope further down.

Trust yourself. Your instincts know what to do.

Fiafia shoved off, leaping through the empty, open air. She was back on her father’s ship. The sky and the sea were one at night as they sailed. She was unafraid.

Her arms wrapped around Delya, and she pulled her close, tightening her legs around her friend to keep her secure. Fifafia saw the long rope swinging through the dark. It passed out of a flash of lantern light, and she could no longer see it. But it had been swinging towards her. Even without her sight, she still knew where it would be.

Fiafia reached out for the rope. She reached out for the ship’s rigging. She trusted herself.

The rough rope swung into her palms, and she grasped it. With Delya clutched against her, they swung in a wide, low arch, hair blowing back from their faces. It was all dark, but just ahead she could see a faint glow of runes. Runes that glimmered green, red, blue, purple, and yellow. In this glow she barely made out angular outlines. They were not natural, it was a structure.

Fiafia let go of the rope and tucked herself into a ball. Trying to protect Delya, they free fell for a brief moment before hitting the rocky ground of the canyon, rolling over and over until at last sliding to a stop before the runes.

Fiafia lay on her back, chest heaving as she caught her breath. “Delya?” she panted. “Delya, are you all right?”

The archer groaned, and one hand drifted up to hold a cut on her head. “I think so . . . ow. Did we make it to the bottom?”

“Yes, I got you down,” Fiafia laughed breathlessly.

The two stayed where they were until the rest of the group descended, boots thudding against the rocky ground. Bera and River instantly ran to their sides. Joaken hung back a few feet, his fiery body illuminating their surroundings.

“You’re alive!” Bera gasped. “I saw you fall! Don’t scare us like that again!”

Riklauniman and Hidana both stepped up, nodding towards the two adolescents.

“You saved my life,” Hidana stated. “You have my respect and gratitude, Fiafia Haoa.”

“Indeed,” Riklauniman added. “You showed bravery equal to that of my rangers. You have a bright future ahead of you.”

Fiafia and Delya were both helped up, offering smiles in return. All gazes then turned to the glowing runes before them.

At the bottom of the Abyssal Canyon, far down from any sunlight or view of the sky, a set of ancient double doors were carved into the wall. Runes representing each of the elements bordered them, reflecting in all of their eyes.

“We have found it,” River sighed in relief. “The lost temple.”

Fiafia nodded sharply, her jaw set. “Let’s go save the Splinterlands.”

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Story: Ashley and Scott Roepel
Editor: Sean Ryan
Narrative Lead: Joey Shimerdla
Character Art (cover): Candycal
Illustrations: HPL Game Design Corporation
Graphic Design: Tamer "Defolt" Oukour
Voice Acting: David Dahdah
Ending credits song: AfterSound
Music: Blaudiss
Post Production: INFLUX Pictures
Creative Director: Nate Aguila

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