Win 5 HSBI: Special-Opps Brawl Report


In the latest brawl we finished in 1st 🥇 place for 20 crowns 👑 with 1077 merits and 15.563 SPS for each member.

Read the post to find the HSBI contest


Our guild stats remain consistent at #1 average rank and and a slightly improved 77% frays filled for battle. If you want to join us, keep on reading to find out how.


Now let us have a look at a few of our battles:

The battles of the brawl are presented to you by Special-Opps recruitment:
Become Special! Become an Opp!

Battles of the Brawl

Watch the Battle

When @denisimus2022 sent Quora into battle the ground was shaking and even though his Monster were demoralized, bloodlust secured victory. 🔥

Watch the Battle

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is a @flying-squirrel demoralizing his opponent in this melee mayhem battle. Watch out, he got archers, too! 🏹

Watch the Battle

When @appbap goes into battle, it's like magic: Abracadalric and the other team is gone! ✨

Watch the Battle

No healing, no problem. Repair still works, right? So @ghostarg repaired the sh*t out of his tank. Nice doctrine shift. 🔨

Watch the Battle

@mypathtofire used water magic to fight a blasting fire team. too ... many ... puns ... in ... my ... head... can ... not ... decide ...... 🤐

Watch the Battle

After a few rounds of ground hog day @mclane finally got things going and it was possibile 🤣 for him to win despite losing his tank first. 😜

Watch the Battle

Nope, can not do it. No way I am putting two Possibilus puns in the same post.
@hannes-stoffel will sponsor 5 HSBI to whoever comes up with the best punchline for this battle His discretion to choose a winner. Deadline in 7 days when this post pays out. 💲

The earnings from this post go all into the guild. The HP are kept to help this account to grow and the HBD are swapped to DEC for building contributions.

Special-Opps wants you


We are looking for active players to fill the novice, bronze, and gold foil frays who will contribute at least 100 DEC per week to buildings. Our Guild has an active Discord chat with channels for all the important topics. We like to talk shop but also all sorts of things, from good card deals to resources and strategy and sometimes also off-topic chatter.

Membership rewards include weekly card giveaway drawings and free card packs for long term memberships.


Apply here for Special Opps

Our thanks to freeztag for the free usage of the divider.
Pictures based on screenshots from the game
Guild-Buildings screenshot from baronstoolbox
Recruitment video created and published by @appbap - used with permission
Special-Opps logo created and published by @appbap - used with permission

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