SPS staking! Are you doing it? How to stake SPS in game. Winners of my last giveaway! WIN 10 $SPS

Hey splinterpeeps!

Sps dropped significantly in price and I was hoping for that, so I could scoop up some more. People selling this token just do not know what they are giving away! This is your share of @Splinterlands, your vote on SPS proposals will influence the future of this game! This determines how many packs you will be able to buy once Chaos Legion presale begins. I will try to grow my airdrop points significantly and also always when SPS is on sale because paperhands give it away, I will buy. In fact I bought some today before the new spike came. I staked it with all the rest. Staking will determine your share of Chaos Legion presale and I will buy the maximum amount of packs I can get my hands on. If I do not have enough money I will give others the chance to participate in the presale.

On the Splinterlands Discord server I see one question a lot how do I stake my SPS?
Well this is easy! Lets have a look at one of our scholar accounts. When I say our I mean my guild @acolytesofhelio. We have two accounts named AOHtrooper1 and 2 these are played by members of our guild wanting to make some extra DEC or players who can not purchase their own spellbook.
So as we can see on the right hand side we have some SPS to be claimed. It is not much but hey it will end up in our guild treasury giving our guild an extra power of voting on proposals later on.

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After we clicked on CLAIM the SPS will show up in our in game liquid balance, this is visible on the left hand side of the splintershards management page:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-04 um 21.03.21.png

You can see that we also have some SPS staked already and even if it is not much it will add up in the end. I will claim this small amount since there are no transaction costs we don't need to be shy about claiming the smallest amount. After I clicked on claim this balance also shows up in my in game liquid balance. Now I can finally stake. This is how you stake:

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You will get a pop up window stating that there is certain restrictions to unstaking your SPS. You can see your balance and can enter that number and click on STAKE

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a popup will appear warning you again! If you want to stake click on ok!

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Thats it! Nothing easier than that! And do not underestimate the power of compounding! Each time you claim and restake your portion of the staked SPS grows and you can manage to keep your rewards steady although the APR rate is going down.


Yes yes the giveaway is coming! So last week we had 28 entries and I tagged them all so they can come and give me some sweet SPT upvotes. These are the warriors of Praetoria who stand here to win Splintershards and fame!

I added all names to the https://wheelofnames.com/ random name picker

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First we spin for the 3rd price 2 $SPS

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-04 um 21.20.19.pngWow congrats to my guildmate @freeztag

Second price 3 $SPS

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-04 um 21.22.58.png congratulations to @oceanbee 3 SPS are on their way!
Not to mention that she is our Co-leader in our sister guild the Disciples of Helio

And last but not least winner of of our first price of 5 SPS is:
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Congrats to @jonnyhopkins check your SPS balance you should have it in you Hive engine wallet!

Congrats again to all three winners!
I hope you enjoy these giveaways as much as I do. I got so much from this community and I will always try to give back in some way!



Yes we are doing a continuation of this. This time you can win 10 SPS again! All you gotta do is:

  • comment your splinterlands username!
  • answer this question: how long does the unstaking period last?
  • follow @acolytesofhelio
  • spin 4 times with your chair
  • clap your hands once
  • clap your hands twice
  • give this post some love :) (5% of my posting rewards go to our guild)

Thanks everyone for reading and participating!
Battle on now!

If you are not playing splinterlands yet it is not too late to start your journey!
Do it with me: https://splinterlands.com?ref=solymi

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