#Splinterlands - Why did I unstake my SPS?


Hi all,
Currently, more and more SPS are staked in the game. People stake more SPS to earn more VOUCHER.
But I decided to unstake my SPS and convert to DEC. There are 2 reasons for me to do it.

1. Earning

I make a quick calculation to compare my earning with the recent price
750 SPS = 40500 DEC , VOUCHER price = 18$ , SPS price = 0.7$

OptionVOUCHER earningSPS earningTotal ($)
Stake 750 SPS0.1791.214.07
Hold 40500 DEC05.393.77

So, staking SPS still has better earning at the moment, but with more & more staked SPS, the earning will be reduced.
In another hand, I predict the VOUCHER price will be reduced after few more days. I will buy VOUCHER by my airdrop SPS. So I think I can get more VOUCHER later if I hold DEC.

2. Flexibility

If I have some urgent thing to do, I can use my DEC immediately while I need to wait for 4 weeks to completely unstake my SPS. I don't want to use DEC at the moment, but I don't know what can happen in the future :)

What if the VOUCHER price up? Well, then the CL pack is too expensive for me. I will buy CL pack from Tribaldex instead, with the current price is 10$.

Please note that it's just my personal thought, it's not the financial advise.

P/S: If you don't have any Splinterlands account, appreciate if you can use my affiliate link to register:

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