Splinterlands | My proposal to GUILD BRAWL

Hello all Splinterlands mates,
This is my entry for this week Social Media challenge with the 6th anniversary theme. I played Splinterlands for 3 years and had some good moments with the game. Recently, I had some thoughts about the Guild Brawl, when I saw my guild leader @anjanida taking a lot of time to ask for contributions from new guild members. It's not efficient at all. So this proposal is for you, @anjanida

My proposal

And here is my proposal

  • Every guild member needs to pay some Guild Power as the fee to enter the Brawl
  • The GP fee is different based on the Brawl tier. The higher tier will pay the higher fee but the fee value is not over the SPS earning from the brawl.
  • The GP fee will be contributed directly to the pre-selected building. The building is pre-selected by the guild leader and can be changed anytime

The reason of this proposal

  • The guild buildings get consistent support from guild members.
  • Guild members have more responsibility when entering a brawl. If you freely enter a brawl, there is a high chance that you will miss the brawl. But you will remember to play the brawl if you pay a small amount.
  • Support the game ecosystem by creating a new mechanism to burn more DEC

I don't have 100K DEC to make this proposal official. I hope @clayboyn can read this proposal by any chance. If you find this proposal makes sense, then you can proceed it officially

Have a nice weekend to all!

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