Favorite Battles #2 Accolades for Adelade Brightwing

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Suffering massive de-buffs before the battle even began, (from that Crypt Mancer dude, uh, I mean, Summoner) I thought my team was a goner, (which, as the numbers show is true almost 50% of the time) but not this time!

Adelade Brightwing, who I like to call "Lady Adelade" performed beautifully against this well known foe, (who the local ladies liked to call "Cryptic Romancer"). Crypt tried his best to woo the Lady Adelade, by strutting his stuff with the power of his de-buffs, along with showing off his command over his army, who all took shots before any of Adelade's teammates could take aim and fire.

With the team's stats so far down it's amazing the Taunting Shieldbearer survived the onslaught.

Well, in fact, he didn't, and Adelade's sister, the Angel of Light, (aka "Angel"), had to resuscitate him.

After resuscitation, Adelade and Angel's cousin "Sylvie Sneak", (given name Silvershield Assassin, (known as the greatest sneak in all the Splinterlands)), jumped on the chance to stealthily make her way to Crypt's back line, easily dispatching one of his men.

Shieldbearer took yet another brutal beating from the remaining fighters on Crypt's team.

This time it was Adelade who revived him, (very useful in medium mana battles since she can enter the fray with a somewhat moderate seven mana bringing along a magic hit, armor repair, fly and immunity).

My team's leader, Chanseus the Great, was sure to maintain the armor of Sylvie Sneak (which was damaged in the earthquake rumbling beneath the feet of all the non-flyers), leaving Lady Adelade to keep up with repairing Shieldbearer's armor in the front.

It was quite an operation, keeping Shieldbearer from meeting a grim end, and required the great Chanseus's additional power to restore Shieldbearer's life when he fell for the third time.

With Chansues, Angel and Adelade holding the front line for three rounds, Sylvie was able to methodically remove the opposing team's back line.

Well, she did have help from the Celestial Harpy (who missed her, I mean his, first shot flying over the enemy too high due to being distracted with the desire to preen herself, I mean himself).

"Celeste", did bop Sandy the Sandworm, knocking him off the field on the next round of hits. (Celeste had a crush on Sandy, and, so, was happy for the opportunity to have a bash at his wormy face. (After the battle the two of them went out for drinks.)) Celeste also helped with the other two formidable opponents for which Sylvie was thankful for the support.

With the back line duly removed Sylvie faced off with the Lord of Darkness, who retaliated in a jealous rage when he saw how she wreaked havoc on his backline. Hitting her with a whooping six melee she was out flat. Lady Adelade immediately whacked Lordy D. and that was the end of the frey.

A fun time was had by all (of my team at least. I can't say for @Medallon, but I can say he put up a good fight. (Good on ya mate!)


During this next battle Lady Adelade pretty much had the same team with her, except that "Sandy" Sandworm opted to take C. Harpy's place to allow her, I mean him to preen in peace.

Byzantine Kitty, aka "Miss Pokemon Kit Kat", ("Kit" for short, as the young girls in the Silvershield village admiringly called the most adorably, delightfully and squeezably cute Dragon Summoner in the whole of the universe), brought with her an entourage of formidable players.

This did not look good for our Ladies of the Shield. However, they knew that their men, Chanseus and Shieldbearer, were hardy and strong, giving them the support they needed to succeed. And with the gang's tried and true strategy of heal and resuscitate, Shieldbearer could hold off many an opponent from attacking his team, giving Sylvie time to operate on the back line.

This time, even before the opposing team took all their shots the taunting Shieldbearer was down. Angel came to the rescue bringing him back to life while Venari Crystalsmith threw her healing magic into the mix. "Crystal" (as she was known) was relatively new to the team. The inhabitants of the Silvershield village welcomed her mystical healing powers stemming from magical arts learned deep underground, where she resided until she, and her kind, were driven to the surface, where they scattered in various directions to join different elemental bands of warriors depending on their unique talents and temperaments.

This time, with "Sandy" Sandworm on the team, Sylvie and Sandy made mincemeat of Kit's backline, regardless of the speed she endowed them with.

Adelade again stepped in to revive Shieldbearer his second time down. And though her health was weakening Chanseus kept her going with triage.

Although that fast little Brownie gave them some trouble, once it was out of the way the rest of the team fell to the relentless hits of Sylvie and Sandy. (Celestial Harpy was on the sidelines keeping a close eye on Sylvie to be sure she wasn't making moves on Sandy, who she considered to be her, I mean his, man...which, ew, gross, why would Sylvie be interested.)


The Silvershield's would happily have shaken hands with their opponents but they had already fled the field by the time the Silvershield's finished celebrating the fact they didn't lose a single teammate.

All in all we salute @Abrockman The Praetorian of the Immortal Gods 2 Guild (which is the #1 Guild as @ChrisRoberts, Splinterlands Scripe, says. But then again, he says MY guild is The Best guild too, so there.

Hey! Wait a minute! Doesn't he say YOUR guild is The Best guild too!?!

Ah well, aren't all the Guilds The Best Guilds🔰

Hoorah! They are!⚜️

And a shout out to all the Guild Leaders!🏰
Especially those of the All For One - One For All Guild: @DavidTron and his supportive Co-Leaders @BeetleJoos, @OloPezDeveloper, and @RxHector

I hope you enjoyed this edition of My FAVORITE BATTLES.🧙‍♂️
My aspiration is that my FAVORITE BATTLES helps you learn (and remember!) tips and hints to win!👏

More FAVORITE BATTLES to come...💥

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P.S. Big Thanks to the Beautifully Famous (and Famously Beautiful) @CarrieAllen for creating this competition, and MUCH MUCH MORE!! You've GOT to check her out!! I mean it! Go Now! Check her out!!💕💕💕

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