Cards Rental renewed for 30 Days and wild pass purchased

Hello People,

Last season I was not able to play because I was busy at work and this is why I thought of taking a break in one season and trying for another one. It is because I had no enough time to play the battle so better to take a break. Now since I am back so first thing I have done is to renew my rentals for the cards. It took me some time to get all the cards because all were gone already and I have taken this time high level cards. Even I tried to have the max level cards wherever available and hope this will bring better rewards and also a better gaming experience. Most of the cards I have taken on the rent at this time are on the max level.


It is good because I'm excited about the season playing with Max-level cards. It is also good because this is the first time I have tried something like this and hopefully this is going to be fantastic. It is also good because I have got all those cards at a reasonable rental price so I did not want to miss the opportunity. It is good because now this season I am trying to play more battles and with high-level cards, I hope that I can improve my league faster as it will improve my winning ratio also.

Rentals Renewed

I used the Peakmonsters website to get my rentals renewed and it is easier to use although I know that there are options on the game website also but I haven't tried it. Maybe later I will try it when I feel like it is good for me and I can explore more functionality. See what I can tell you it's always good to keep on checking different portals to see which one can make life easy. I also know that there is a paid version of Peak Monster but I don't use it because the free one is good enough for me. Maybe later I can set up my accounts in such a way that my things can be automated within the game website itself. I could not do it because I did not have enough time and since I was occupied so thought of doing a similar way that I have been doing for quite some time.



Its been more than one year for me on this game and this journey has been amazing where I started my journey based on the rental cards. Renting is such a blessing for users who are new to the game ecosystem and they do not have enough money to buy cards. I mean when I take the cards on the renter then there is hardly any need for me to buy the card. Ultimately I am paying to the card owner and this is how I am also contributing to the game economy. This is the reason why I continue to buy more dec tokens because I use this token as a payment which you can also call the game currency. I have renewed all the cards on the rent for another 30 days and I think that 30 days is a good time so it's like I need to renew it once a month.

DEC tokens Buying

I continue to buy more DEC tokens because I use this token a lot for making rental payments and you can see the below snapshot for my swap history. Not all the transactions are visible on the below screenshot but you can see how I am converting the HBD to DEC. This time it is good because I'm getting more DEC tokens and I prefer using HBD which is this table coin. Whatever HBDI earn is used to buy Dec and I don't use Hive because I don't want to go for power down.



I will continue to follow the same practice which means whatever HBD I earn out of my reward will be used to buy DEC and every month I spend about 25 to 30,000 Dec for the rental payment. Sometimes this also crosses more than 30 K depending upon what type of cards I take on the rent so I am planning to have 100K or more dec in my account. The rental market is great and I believe that we should not miss the opportunity so even if you have some nice cards in your collection that you purchased but then also you can look for the available options in the rental market. Maybe you can get some of the cards at a very low price on the rent that you don't own and those cards can make your gameplay even better and more rewarding so just go ahead and give it a try.

Declaration- Have used images/dividers from the splinterlands wherever the source is not mentioned in this post and these are not mine.

I am part of the game so if you are not and want to be part of it, please use my link-

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