My 1 week journey so far

I started last week. And it's been a rollercoaster journey. Quickly got addicted. Got annoyed I couldn't get to silver. Got annoyed I had to rent at such expensive rates. Realized its not that expensive and I like the challenge enough. Silver is whooping me sideways. Stuck to fire splinter cause I just love popping monsters before they can contribute. Am now constantly researching how better to win. And how to make more money cause this game is actually play to earn which is incredible for someone who never made money while gaming for 2 decades. Had Magnor for a day and it was amazing! Also what on earth is Mylor good God. Wrecks Bronze.

This game is so good in fact I already got a second account. Only wish I had enough money to be gold cards. 2 golden chicken to be precise.

Tl;dr: So good I bought a second account. "Burning" my way through bronze and on to silver. Dnno why but i love these guys - Serpentine Spy and Goblin Shaman.

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