Splinterlands - Brawl battle report #9 / 公會戰報告#9

Heading final.png

大家好, 第9個公會戰報告來了。我是公會“YMGE永夢”的副會長, 首先介紹一下我們的公會“YMGE永夢”。

Hello everyone, here comes the 7th Brawl battle report. I am the Co-Leader of the Guild "YMGE永夢 ". First of all, I would like to introduce our Guild "YMGE 永夢".


公會簡介 / Introduction of our Guild

這是一個主要由香港玩家組成的公會, 現時公會大廳等級為4, 正在努力經營。我們剛將建築物Arena一口氣升級到Lv3, 並在本次公會戰中開始進軍Tier 2 等級。

This is a Guild mainly composed of Hong Kong players, and the current Guild hall level is 4, and it is working hard. We just upgraded the building Arena to Lv3 in one go, and started to advance to Tier 2 in this guild battle.



招募新成員 / Recruit new members

本公會有5個空缺, 歡迎有意長期經營的玩家加入, 有意者請與我聯絡或在此文章中留言。

There are 5 vacancies in this guild. Players who are interested in long-term business are welcome to join. If you are interested, please contact me or leave a message on this article.


剛結束的公會戰成績 / Recent Brawl battle result

現在來看看剛剛結束的公會戰結果(30 AUG 2022)

Now take a look at the results of the last Brawl battle (30 AUG 2022)


我們以27W 36L的成績排名第8。

We finished 8 with a 27W 36L.

個人成績 / Personal Results


我取得5W3L, 排名第2。

I got 5W3L and ranked 2.

轉會消息 / transfer news

我另一個賬號加入了Peakmonster Freeder 5 公會。

My another account joined the Peakmonster Feeder 5 guild.

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我們以55W 49L的成績排名第3。

We finished 3 with a 55W 49L.

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我取得4W3L, 排名第8。

I got 4W3L and ranked 8.

開啟公會咭包 / Open Guild Card pack

今次主賬號會開1個咭包 / My main account will open 1 pack this time.


報告結束, 多謝各位閱覽, 下次再見。

It is the end of the report. Thank you for your reading and see you next time.


如果您想玩 Splinterlands,請隨時單擊推薦鏈接加入遊戲。

If you want to play Splinterlands, please feel free to click the Referral Link to enter my referral code.


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