Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge: Dragons (With Giveaway Raffle #8)


Hello everyone. Thank you for your time spending to read this post. Today I want to share a battle with any Dragons’ monster. Hope you would like it.

The Battle rule

battle rules.png

It was a medium Mana battle that can be use 36 manas.

Weak Magic: Magic attacks hit Armor before reducing Health.

Only Water, Earth, Light and Dragon desk can be used in this battle. Use some monster with high armor value in the front is important because of the battle rule. So water summoner Kelya Frendul, dragon summoner Drake of Arnak are good to be use in my card desk. Light summoner General Sloan also a good choose. Earth desk is not good enough in this battle because there is no high armor monster can be use, so I will not select it. Finally, I selected Dragon desk with Water monster, the first monster appear in my mind is Djinn Chwala, it has high armor and high health with Thorns ability. I think it may be good to place it at the front.

Torhilo The Frozen(2).pngThe Kraken(2).png
High armor Tank monster in Water desk.

Shieldbearer(2).pngUriel The Purifier(2).png
High armor Tank monster in Light desk.

Djinn Chwala(1).pngRobo-Dragon Knight(2).png
High armor Tank monster in Dragon desk.

Let’s see my team lineup.


My Team

Drake of Arnak.PNG

Summoners: Drake of Arnak
Drake of Arnak can provide +1 armor for all the team, it is good to be used in this battle.

Djinn Chwala.PNG

First position: Djinn Chwala
The theme of this week. I used a lv2 Djinn Chwala, it has 5 armor and 9 health with Thorns ability. Thorns ability can damage my enemy’s malee attacker when they attack, so if Djinn Chwala stay at front for more rounds, it can damage my enemy more by itself and by Thorns. I will select other monster with Repair and Tank heal ability that they can support Djinn Chwala. I wish it can stay at front until round 3.

Merdaali Guardian.PNG

Second position: Merdaali Guardian
A level 2 Merdaali Guardian I am used. Its’ Tank Heal ability is very important in my lineup. It can help Djinn Chwala to success his mission.


Third position: Axemaster
My main attacker, I need its’ double strike ability. It can provide 4 damage to my enemy each round.

River Hellondale.PNG

Fourth position: River Hellondale
River Hellondale had Resurrect ability, this ability can bring back one of my team monster when this monster died. If my Djinn Chwala dies first, it can back with 5 armor and 1 health. Then that is a worth betting that to use River Hellondale instead of a Repair ability monster.


Fifth position: Deeplurker
Deeplurker is a very good attacker. It can destroy my enemy’s lowest health monster (Especially it may be a Tank Heal monster) at the beginning of the battle with its’ Opportunity ability. Reduce the enemy amount as quickly as possible can increase our winning chance. So I like Opportunity ability monster and always select it.

Hardy Stonefish.PNG

Last position: Hardy Stonefish
I selected a Lv3 Hardy Stonefish at the back. I wish it can give us some protection for the back line. If unfortunately, it dies first. It can be back with 2 armor and 1 health. Given protection for our back line at least 2 more turns.


In this battle. My opponent selected Earth desk with Lyanna Natura be theirs Summoner. He used a Cube at the front with one Tank Heal monster in their team, and their total health value of the first 3 monsters were up to 29. He wanted to create a great wall at the front and it is not easy to break through. Luckily is their first two monsters cannot attack us. And their total attacking power is only 6 in each round. I am no need to worry my Hardy Stonefish because there was no Sneak ability monster in their lineup. The key to victory is that who can be the first to break through the front defense.
Ok, let’s see the battle with the battle link below.

Details of this battle.
At start, after all summoners/monster abilities added. It seems a very hard battle for us. The Lv4 Cube is hard to destroy. It can be healed by the Wood Nymph. However, my Deeplurker can attack it and it may be destroyed within round 2. Then the Cube will have lost its’ support.
And my Djinn Chwala can stay at least to round 3 because the damage from my enemy is only 6. It will be destroyed at round 3 but it will back again by River Hellondale.
Before round 3, their Cube lost its’ healer and remain 5 health. After it dies, another difficulty will appear. The Chain Golem is hard to destroy too. The Thorns ability of Djinn Chwala can effective now, it gives 1 damage to Chain Golem when Chain Golem attacks it. It can help us destroy Chain Golem quickly.
Although Djinn Chwala be destroyed at the last turn of round 3 but it revives again. Very nice that it can stay to round 4.
Before round 5, The Chain Golem remain 4 health and will be destroyed in this round. Djinn Chwala will recover 3 health again. It stays to round 6 that beyond my expectation. Although it will be destroyed at round 6 but it fully completed his mission.
Before round 7, my enemy remain one monster and lost the battle.


I think I can win this battle because my enemy places the Cube at front. If he places the Chain Golem at front, I think it will different. Another point is about the summoner selection, if he uses Obsidian instead of Lyanna Natura. It can increase their magic attack monster +1 damage to us. He lost because his team lack of attacking power in this lineup.
Dragon desk have many strong monster can be used. Most of them are giants, hard to be destroyed and very expensive in the price. But some of it were in low price like Djinn Chwala. Select some Dragon monster that you can afford and buy it. Will you? I will.

Archmage Arius(1).pngByzantine Kitty(1).png
Two of Dragon giant summoner

Diamond Dragon(1).pngRed Dragon(1).png
Two other giant of Dragon monster

Giveaway Time

The result of #7 Giveaway raffle is:
Card 1

to 1.PNG

Card 2


to 2.PNG



Cards of #8 Giveaway raffle is:

Nada Assassin(1).png

Twilight Basilisk(1).png


  1. Leave a comment below to grab the first ticket (specify if it is not the same as here), like the post to get one more ticket.
  2. You will be enrolled into the raffle.
  3. The winner will be picked when this post pays out in 7 days.
  4. I will tag all participants in the next raffle post please state in comment if you do not want.
    @yousafharoonkhan @reseller @valentin86 @dotz132 @litrydow @screamheart @henruc @mvl2304 @zenmasterlee @limka @clubhouse-benji @luizeba @urri2020 @yasky @beaker007 @sd974201 @sabosuke @fengchao @rohansuares @arcange @allkarton @bscrypto @raphaelle @jasonbu @afterglow @alexko-steemit @criptosectadepit @achimmetens @scoutroc @athunderstruck @ninosplinter @amaillo @candnpg @shinoumonk @lorddiablo @exator @thefoundation @manncpt @gurseerat @lizanomadsoul @mammasitta @fatman @voter003 @speedtuning @bteim @alphacore @jnn10 @globalschool @tinyhousecryptos @braaiboy @monster-mountain @greengineer @joeyarnoldvn @zdigital222 @mryoung1979 @argentium @zasktrader @wynella @afternoondrinks @dreamryder007 @aweee @popsfishing @elclements @gynfreaks @baasdebeer @giemo @ilanisnapshots @shortshots @sabsel @jxalvar @harpreetjanda @mrtoking @sima369 @olleo @blitzzzz @playagame


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