Peakmonster [Asia] 營運報告 #64。 Peakmonster [Asia] Operation Report #64

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各位好, 我現在發佈公會-Peakmonster [Asia] 的第64份營運報告。

Hello everyone, I am now releasing the #64 operational report of the guild - Peakmonster [Asia].


公會簡介 / Introduction of our Guild



This is a Guild mainly composed of Hong Kong players. We are officially become an affiliated guild of Peakmonster in October 2022, with the full support from Peakmonster.

最新消息 / News Updates

公會的Barrack已升級到Level 6 / Our Guild Barrack was upgraded to Level 6.

A barracks lv6.PNG



剛結束的公會戰成績 / Recent Brawl battle result

現在來看看剛剛結束的公會戰結果(16 Sep 2023)

Now take a look at the results of the last Brawl battle (16 Sep 2023)


我們以76W 90L的成績排名第7。

We finished 7 with a 76W 90L.

115.875 SPS reward.

個人成績 / Personal Results






會員勝率排名 / Member Win Rate Ranking


在此祝賀 @sp5astimber 取得最佳勝率。

I would like to congratulate @sp5astimber for the best winning rate.


公會將軍獎賞 / Guild General Rewards

當我們在提升到Tier 4 層級的公會戰後, 我們推出了一個全新的公會戰獎勵:公會將軍獎賞。此獎賞由本公會的兩位將軍:我(賬號 scfather02)及 Stephen (賬號 Stephenkinglee31)送出。我們會在上述兩個在本公會的賬號中, 將每一次公會戰所獲得的 SPS 獎勵當中的30%, 作為“公會將軍獎賞”發放給投資GP於公會的會員及每次公會戰中參與金咭戰場(Frey 19-21)和成績最優秀的會員。


1。公會戰相關的獎勵 (合共佔總獎金的30%)

最高勝率會員 12.5% (如多於一人將平分獎勵)
Fray 21 (鑽石級金咭) 7.5%
Fray 20 (黃金級金咭) 5%
Fray 19 (黃金級金咭) 5%

2。投資GP於公會的獎勵 (合共佔總獎金的70%)

將按會員在捐贈GP的總額中, 各人所捐贈GP佔總額的百分比, 再按這百分比瓜分剩餘70%的公會將軍獎勵。

When we upgrade to Tier 4 Brawl battles, we launched a brand new Brawl reward: Guild General rewards. This reward is sent by two generals in this Guild: me (account scfather02) and Stephen (account Stephenkinglee31). We will distribute 30% of the SPS rewards obtained in each Brawl in the above two accounts as "Guild General Rewards". And will distribute to those who participated in the Gold foil card battlefield (Fray 19-21) and the best results in each Brawl battle members.

The distribution of relevant rewards is as follows: (% refers to the percentage of the total rewards)

1。Rewards related to Brawl result (accounting for 30% of the total rewards)

The member with the highest winning rate 12.5% ( if more than one person will share the reward equally)
Fray 21 (Diamond Gold Foil Card) 7.5%
Fray 20 (Gold Level Gold Foil Card) 5%
Fray 19 (Gold Class Gold Foil Card) 5%

2。Rewards for investing GP in Guild (accounting for 70% of total rewards)

Members will share the remain 70% Guild General rewards pool according to the shares % that they donated from the total GP donated count.

公會將軍獎賞發佈 / Guild General Rewards Result

本期公會將軍獎賞獎金,因Stephenkinglee31沒有參與公會戰,所以只有我從公會戰獎勵 115.875 SPS中抽出其中30%,即送出34.762 SPS,總獎金合共 34.762 SPS。

In this issue of Guild General Rewards, only my account will draw 30% of the brawl rewards of 115.875 SPS, (Stephenkinglee31 didn't participate in the brawl.)that is, I will give 34.762 SPS. The total rewards will be 34.762 SPS.

公會戰相關的獎勵 / Rewards related to Brawl result

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最佳勝率: Sp5astimber(佔公會將軍獎勵的12.5%) 4.345 sps
Fray 21: Scfather02 (佔公會將軍獎勵的7.5%)。獲得 2.607 sps
Fray 20: Calix23 (佔公會將軍獎勵的5%). 獲得 0 sps (因缺席公會戰, 獎金不予發放)
Fray 19: Alureoftheearth (佔公會將軍獎勵的5%). 獲得 1.738 SPS

The bonus has been sent out, the details are as follows:
Highest winrate : Sp5astimber (12.5% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 4.345 SPS.
Fray 21: scfather02 (7.5% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 2.607SPS
Fray 20: Calix23 (5% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 0 SPS (Due to absence from Brawl battles, reward will not be distributed)
Fray 19: Alureoftheearth (5% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 1.738 SPS
All bonuses were sent from my account scfather02

投資GP於公會的獎勵 / Rewards for investing GP in Guild

本期合共有12位成員投資GP / There were 12 members invested GP to the Guild

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獎勵金總額為 24.333 SPS (總獎勵金的70%)

@scfather 投資了 100000,佔總投資額的 32.52%,獎勵為 7.914 SPS
@scfather02 投資了 70000,佔總投資額的 22.76%,獎勵為 5.539 SPS
@stephenkinglee31 投資了 50000,佔總投資額的 16.26%,獎勵為 3.957 SPS
@Bulkathos 投資了 20000,佔總投資額的 6.5%,獎勵為 1.582 SPS
@engor 投資了 11400,佔總投資額的 3.7%,獎勵為 0.902 SPS
@sp3astimber 投資了 10000,佔總投資額的 3.25%,獎勵為 0.791 SPS
@calix23 投資了 10000,佔總投資額的 3.25%,獎勵為 0.791 SPS
@sp5astimber 投資了 10000,佔總投資額的 3.25%,獎勵為 0.791 SPS
@sudhir32 投資了 10000,佔總投資額的 3.25%,獎勵為 0.791 SPS
@momojuice 投資了 10000,佔總投資額的 3.25%,獎勵為 0.791 SPS
@zuleh 投資了 3069,佔總投資額的 0.99%,獎勵為 0.242 SPS
@oleksandr-3811 投資了 2000,佔總投資額的 0.97%,獎勵為 0.237 SPS

The Rewards of GP investment are as follows:

Total GP donated : 307469
70% of Guild General reward pool is 24.333 SPS

@scfather donated 100000. That is 32.52% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 7.914 SPS
@scfather02 donated 70000. That is 22.76% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 5.539 SPS
@Stephenkinglee31 donated 50000. That is 16.26% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 3.957 SPS
@Bulkathos donated 20000. That is 6.5% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 1.582 SPS
@engor donated 11400. That is 3.7% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.902 SPS
@Sp3astimber donated 10000. That is 3.25% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.791 SPS
@Calix23 donated 10000. That is 3.25% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.791 SPS
@Sp5astimber donated 10000. That is 3.25% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.791 SPS
@Sudhir32 donated 10000. That is 3.25% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.791 SPS
@Momojuice donated 10000. That is 3.25% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.791 SPS
@Zuleh donated 3069. That is 0.99% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.242 SPS
@oleksandr-3811 donated 2000. That is 0.97% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.237 SPS
All bonuses were sent from my account scfather02


舊獎勵金池資金記錄 / OLD Reward pool funds record

現時舊公會戰獎勵池資金由我本人的scfather02賬號管理,起始金額為80000dec,其中40000dec轉換為swap.hive,放進swap.hive-dec的liquidity pool中賺取利息。

At present, the guild battle OLD reward pool funds are managed by my own scfather02 account. The starting amount is 80000dec, of which 40000dec is converted into swap.hive and put into the liquidity pool of swap.hive-dec to earn interest.

獎勵金池資金收入 / Reward pool funds income

本期並沒有任何收入 / There is no income in this period

流動性質押利息結存 / Interest balance from Liquidity Pool


現有4.448 SPS / Now had 4.448 SPS

流動性質押池的交易記錄 / Transation record of Liquidity Pool



There is no transaction record in this period.

獎勵金池資金結餘 / Reward pool fund balance


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舊獎勵金池經過共19次的獎勵發放後, 結餘只有在Liquidity Pool中的 9.3 SWAP.HIVE 和 3673.021 DEC, 以及在錢包中的 89.895 DEC。

After a total of 19 reward distributions, the balance in Liquidity Pool is only 9.3 SWAP.HIVE and 3673.021 DEC, and 89.895 DEC in Tribaldex wallet.


招募新成員 / Recruit new members

Peakmonster [Asia]公會現正招募新成員, 申請者必須為遊戲的日常玩家, 銀牌聯賽或以上及擁有最少50000CP。
RP bonus 最多15%
Shop discount 最多8% Off
MERIT bonus +100%


有興趣加入者請於本文章中留言, 並註明你的遊戲內名稱。合格者我們將會個別通知。

The Peakmonster [Asia] guild is now recruiting new members, applicants must be regular players of the game, Silver League or above and have at least 50,000 CP.
Join the guild benefits:
RP bonus up to 15%
Shop discount up to 8% Off
MERIT bonus +100%
And the above-mentioned top 5 rewards for guild members participating in guild battles.

We are looking for active and capable players to join us.

If you are interested in joining, please leave a message in this article and indicate your in-game name. Qualified candidates will be notified individually.


報告結束, 多謝各位閱覽, 下次再見。

It is the end of the report. Thank you for your reading and see you next time.

加入Splinterlands遊戲 / Join in the game Splinterlands

如果您想玩 Splinterlands,請隨時單擊推薦鏈接加入遊戲,並輸入推薦碼“scfather"。

If you want to play Splinterlands, please feel free to click the Referral Link to enter my referral code "scfather".


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